Annual care home reviews

Find out more about the care home review process

Every care home resident should have a care plan describing what matters most to them and how their support needs will be met. This is reviewed and updated every year.

A review is a discussion with the person themselves, their families and anyone involved with the person. It's an opportunity to think about the care being provided and plan for any changes

Prior to the review, the team member will get to know the person and their current care plan. Where safe and appropriate, they'll meet in person. 

The team member will have also spoken with family members and the people looking after the person to make sure everyone involved can share what's important to know for the review.

Before the meeting, consider the person's current home and care plan and think about:

  • What's going well?
  • What could be better?
  • What needs to change?

This will be helpful for the review meeting and we can discuss all of your points.

All reviews will take place safely and in line with the current guidance in place. They could take place:

  • on the phone
  • through an online video platform like Microsoft Teams, Attend Anywhere or Zoom
  • in person 

At the review we've discussions about simple things from likes and dislikes, favourite activities but also serious issues about health, safety, finances, wellbeing and quality of life.

The review will end by recording the issues discussed and the actions agreed going forward. We'll identify who has responsibility for each action. The care plan will then be updated accordingly for the following year.

East Renfrewshire Carers
The Advocacy Project

East Renfrewshire Council
Money Advice and Rights team (MART)

Last modified on 2 June 2021
  • Annual care home reviews