Horse riding establishment licence

Apply and pay for a Horse Riding Establishment Licence.

What's a Horse Riding Establishment licence?

Where horses or ponies are hired out for riding or used for riding instruction. Operators are required to be licensed by the Local Authority under the Riding Establishments Act 1964 and 1970.

The licence requires the operator to ensure that:

  • Horses are maintained in good health, be well fed and have suitable accommodation
  • There are appropriate fire evacuation arrangements
  • The riding equipment should is safe to use where it is provided
  • The instructors require to be competent
  • The horses are examined by a vet

A licence is granted at the discretion of the local authority who may take into account the suitability of the accommodation, whether the animals are well fed, exercised and protected from disease and fire.

A licence may be refused or withheld on other grounds if those grounds are such that conditions were not suitable for the boarding of animals.·


Riding Establishment £266.50 + vet fees (if needed)

You may also be charged an inspection fee (if necessary) in addition to the application fee.

How to apply

Applicants should contact Environmental Health at

To discuss the application and request an application form

What happens next?

On receipt of the enquiry the application form will be emailed by our Environmental Health Team

If you don't hear from us about the outcome of your application within a reasonable period phone Customer Services on 0141 577 3001 or email

Last modified on 1 April 2024