Taxi Drop in dates
View the list of dates in 2025 you can drop in to discuss your taxi application
13 February (Payment by cash only)
13 March
10 April
8 May
5 June
3 July
31 July
28 August
25 September
23 October
20 November
18 December
Taxi drop-in will be held every four weeks at the Barrhead Council Offices between 9am and 4pm. If you need assistance in between either of those dates please email
Capacity at drop-ins will be very limited with delays likely. Only attend for new applications or if your renewal is due within 4 weeks. For enforcement issues please contact our Enforcement Officer, Brian Kilpatrick directly on 07967 211128. Enforcement issues will not be dealt with at drop-ins.
Please familiarise yourself with the undernoted checklists. You must bring the listed information/documentation (hard copy) to the drop-in. Applications that are incomplete will not be accepted and you'll be asked to come back at a later date.