Climate change
Find out how East Renfrewshire is playing its part in adapting to Climate Change.
We've been working hard to help East Renfrewshire reduce its contribution to climate change and prepare for the impacts, such as more extreme weather events like flooding and heat-waves. We are currently developing a climate change action plan.
It is now accepted with high confidence that climate change is happening, and is the result of greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity. Emissions need to decrease rapidly to avoid the worst effects of climate change that are expected to bring more floods, winds, droughts and fires. You can read more about it on the The UK Committee on Climate Change website.
We report on our own carbon emissions each year. Read our latest report and summary of our findings.
The Council published its climate change plan - the Get to Zero Action Plan - on 22 February 2024.
We've committed to achieve 'net zero carbon emissions' by 2045, in line with the Scottish Government target. This means reducing emissions from every part of our lives as far as possible, then putting plans in place to balance, or exceed reductions for those emissions which absorb carbon from the atmosphere, such as tree planting or peatland restoration.
We will achieve this through:
- taking action to reduce the Council's operational emissions.
- supporting the community to reduce their emissions.
- helping prepare Council assets and communities to prepare for the changing climate.
Read more on our 'Get to Zero' climate change action plan web page.
The Scottish Government has pledged to achieve 'Net Zero' emissions by 2045. This means reducing emissions from every part of our lives as far as possible, then putting plans in place to balance, or exceed reductions for those emissions which absorb carbon from the atmosphere, such as tree planting or peatland restoration.
To reach the overall Net Zero emissions target they have also pledged the following:
- to achieve a 75% reduction by 2030
- to achieve a 90% reduction by 2040
All councils have a role in helping Scottish Government meet their 'Net Zero' emissions by 2045 target and the reductions before then.
Whilst we estimate our operations only account for around 5% of emissions within the area, we believe we have a leadership role in achieving net zero. Our initial focus has been on our own operations, however we recognise that communities and our local and regional partners will also have a role to play. We'll facilitate and co-ordinate this. We're working on our plans to achieve net zero and will publish these soon.
Our plans will consider three main areas for action:
- Reducing emissions in the Council estate and operations and our supply chain
- Preparing for the impacts of climate change by adapting buildings and infrastructure. We're already part of the of the Climate Ready Clyde group to start this now
- Finding ways to offset emissions by harnessing the power of nature or technology to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
By changing the way our buildings, infrastructure and services operate, we can play our part in reducing emissions. We can also help 'capture' greenhouse gases by planting trees and encouraging nature in green spaces.
LHEES is a long-term plan to decarbonise heat and improve energy efficiency. This new strategy is at the heart of the Scottish Government's heat transition, with the aim of removing natural gas or oil as the main means of heating homes and buildings.
Each local authority in Scotland will publish a Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES), as a requirement of legislation.
Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies aim to facilitate a joined up, long-term strategic approach to:
- improve the energy efficiency of buildings in the local authority's area
- reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the heating of buildings
The combined outputs of every local authority's LHEES will provide an evidence base for further policy making and for implementation of delivery programmes, helping the Scottish Government to target appropriate nationwide action.
In delivering actions to improve energy efficiency and decarbonise heat, LHEES provide appropriate analysis to tackle fuel poverty. LHEES also provide analysis which can be built upon in scoping out the potential for building heat networks.
This strategy will aim to achieve four main outcomes:
- Outcome 1: Homes and buildings in East Renfrewshire are as energy efficient as possible
- Outcome 2: Heat solutions are delivered to meet 2045 net zero target and tackle fuel poverty
- Outcome 3: Investment and grant funding is secured to deliver Net Zero projects
- Outcome 4: East Renfrewshire Council supports property owners to improve heating solutions
Read our new Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (PDF, 4 MB)
Citizens and businesses in East Renfrewshire can all play their part in reaching these targets and helping reduce emissions.
We can all take action now to reduce emissions. Making small changes can have a huge effect if we all do it. Changing how we travel, eat, heat and power our homes, shop and manage our waste can all make positive steps towards reducing emissions.
More information is available from Net Zero Nation and Home Energy Scotland including details of grants and loans.
Businesses have a massive role in emissions that are generated and play a huge role in how society buys and consumes materials. Business emissions typically come from the energy they consume in making their goods or services, the resources they need to make their products, or the impact their products have in terms of energy use and waste once their customers have purchased the product.
All businesses, including those in East Renfrewshire, can take steps to reduce their emissions.
More help is available from:
Energy Efficiency Business Support
Zero Waste Scotland
Scottish Enterprise
East Renfrewshire Council is a member of Climate Ready Clyde - a group of 16 local authorities and partner organisations across the Glasgow City Region working together to look at the challenge of adapting to the effects of climate change at a regional level.
A regional Climate Adaptation strategy setting out the group's approach has been published. The strategy seeks to ensure Glasgow City Region's economy, society and environment isn't only prepared, but continues to grow as we adapt to the effects of a changing climate.
You can find details of the strategy and action plan on the Climate Ready Clyde website.