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Full Council - 29 June 2022

Full Council agenda and associated papers for the meeting on 29 June 2022.


  • Provost Mary Montague
  • Councillor Andrew Anderson
  • Councillor Caroline Bamforth
  • Councillor Tony Buchanan
  • Councillor Kate Campbell
  • Councillor Angela Convery
  • Councillor Betty Cunningham
  • Councillor Danny Devlin
  • Councillor Paul Edlin
  • Councillor Annette Ireland
  • Councillor Chris Lunday
  • Councillor David Macdonald
  • Councillor Jim McLean
  • Councillor Colm Merrick
  • Councillor Andrew Morrison
  • Councillor Owen O'Donnell
  • Councillor Katie Pragnell
  • Councillor Gordon Wallace

Notice of meeting

View the notice of meeting for 29 June 2022. (PDF) [191KB] (opens new window)


1. Report on Apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest.

3.  Read the minute of the meeting of the Council held on 25 May 2022. (PDF) [205KB] (opens new window)

4.  Read the minutes of meetings for the period 26 May to 28 June 2022. (PDF) [501KB] (opens new window)

5. Notice of Motion

Consider Notice of Motion in the following terms:-

That a Senior Councillor Allowance for the Vice Chair of Planning will be created and the Senior Councillor allowance removed from the position of    Convener of Environment.

6. Statements by Conveners/Representatives on Joint Boards/Committees.

7.  Read the report by the Director of Business Operations and Partnerships in relation to appointments to various unfilled internal and external positions. (PDF) [221KB] (opens new window)

8.  Read the report by the Director of Business Operations and Partnerships in relation to the Provost's engagements. (PDF) [195KB] (opens new window)

9.  Read the Chief Executive's report on the Strategic Year-End Council Performance for 2021 to 2022 and the draft ODP for 2022 to 2023. (PDF) [9MB] (opens new window)

10.  Read the Director of Business Operations and Partnership's report on the community plan annual performance for 2021 to 22, the Fairer East Ren transition plans for 2022 to 23 and the Local Child Poverty Action Report - year 4. (PDF) [6MB] (opens new window)

11.  Read the Director of Environment's report on the second round of UK Levelling Up Fund 2022. (PDF) [841KB] (opens new window)

12.  Read the Chief Executive's report on the National Care Service. (PDF) [242KB] (opens new window)

13.  Read the Director of Business Operations and Partnership's report on organisational changes. (PDF) [342KB] (opens new window)

14.  Read the Chief Executive's update report on the COVID-19 recovery. (PDF) [461KB] (opens new window)

15.  Read the Calendar of meetings for 2023. (PDF) [252KB] (opens new window)

16.  Read the Director of Business Operations and Partnership's report on Kirking of the Council. (PDF) [193KB] (opens new window)

Meeting papers

Read the Full Council meeting papers for 29 June 2022. (PDF) [14MB] (opens new window)

Meeting Recording

The recording of this meeting can be viewed on the Council's YouTube Channel.


You can watch the live stream of the meeting on the Council's webcast page.


Read the minute of the Council meeting held on 29 June 2022. (PDF) [189KB] (opens new window)


For more information phone 0141 577 3023 or email eamonn.daly@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk.

This document can be explained to you in other languages and can be provided in alternative formats such as large print and Braille.

For a copy phone Customer Services on 0141 577 3001 or email customerservices@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk.

Last modified on 15 September 2022