Mutual Exchange and Transfers
Find out how to apply for a a mutual exchange, transfer within East Renfrewshire or to a new area.
Apply for a transfer inside East Renfrewshire
If you're already a council tenant you can apply for a transfer to another council home in the area.
Housing association tenants
If you're a housing association tenant please contact them directly.
View a list of housing associations.
Apply for a mutual exchange
To swap homes with another council or housing association tenant contact your landlord. This applies to landlords within East Renfrewshire or anywhere in the country.
Both landlords must agree to this before it can take place.
We hold a mutual exchange register of other tenants who want a mutual exchange. You can request a report to show you other tenants who might be a match for your house size, type and area.
You can contact them to discuss a mutual exchange. You would both need to complete a mutual exchange application form.
This is a scheme for tenants of social rented homes who want a house swap. It's a privately owned company who work with many councils and housing associations.
To be considered for a swap you need to:
- live in a council or housing association house
- have a Scottish secure tenancy
- have permission from your landlord (you could be evicted if you try to swap homes without permission)
- live in permanent self-contained accommodation
To take part you need to register online with Homeswapper (opens new window).