Councillor Colm Merrick
View Councillor Merrick's profile.
Location | Time (subject to public and school holidays) |
Giffnock Library, Station Road, Giffnock, G46 6JF | 1st Wednesday of the month 7.00pm until 7.45pm (except July) |
Thorntree Hall, Main Street, Thornliebank, G46 7SF | Last Wednesday of the month 7.00pm until 8.00pm (except July and December) |
Councillor Merrick can be contacted by: | |
Phone (Office - Members Services) Available Monday-Thursday Friday 8.45am to 3.55pm | 0141 577 3107 or 0141 577 3143 | |
Register of interest
Houses, land and buildings
Joint owner of property in Ward 4 - Clarkston, Netherlee and Williamwood
East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Trust Board - Member
Yes Eastwood - Member
Committee Membership
- Appeals Committee
- Community Asset Transfer Review Panel
- Education Committee
- Education Appeals Committee
- Licensing Committee
- Teaching Staff Appeals Committee