Dams to Darnley Country Park Countryside Ranger Service privacy notice

Read the privacy notice for Dams to Darnley Country Park Countryside Ranger Service.

Throughout the year, the Dams to Darnley Countryside Ranger Service run events, health walks and volunteering activities and it may be necessary for us to collect information about you. This statement sets out why we need your information, what we need it for and how we will use it.

To help us ensure the smooth running of these events we require to know who'll be attending and it will be necessary for us ask for your personal data at the time of booking one of our events.

As part of the booking process you will be asked if you, or your party, want to be included in any pictures and if you agree, the ranger service will subsequently contact you to complete a 'Use of personal image - consent form'.  Photographic/video images, relating to the events you're taking part in, may be posted in publications, press articles, promotional material and on our website and social media pages.

We'll use data collected to monitor and report on the performance of our events, including producing anonymous statistics for reporting purposes.

The Council requires to process personal data lawfully and in accordance with current Data Protection legislation.

Our lawful basis for collecting and using your personal data is that the processing is required to ensure that we can undertake our public tasks and statutory functions by providing our country side ranger services to the communities within East Renfrewshire.

However, it will be necessary for us to seek your consent prior to taking photographic/video images and should you agree to this being taken, we'll ask you to complete a use of personal image consent form.

You have the right to withdraw your consent, in whole or in part, at any time.  If you wish to withdraw your consent please contact d2d@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk or telephone 0141 577 4053 or 07850320251.

Please note: Once information has been shared it can't be unshared, e.g. If your image is posted on social media.

When booking an event we ask for details of who is booking the event and how many spaces they want.  Spaces are limited and booking is required to allow us to efficiently manage the booking process. If you do not provide your information then we are not able to confirm your place(s) at your chosen event. Information we ask for may include:

  • The bookers first and last name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Age range of any children attending the event

On the Dams to Darnley website we have a link to an online booking site. When booking an event we ask for details of who is booking the event and how many spaces they want.  Spaces are limited and booking is required to allow us to efficiently manage the free events booking process.

Your personal details will be used for managing the event at Dams to Darnley Country Park only and will not be shared out with the ranger service.  If you've provided consent for your image (or a child's image) to be used, these may be used for promotional purposes on our website or in the press.  

We will retain the information collected for the purposes of booking events for a period of 2 years from the date of booking and thereafter the data will be anonymised.

Further information about how we manage our records can be found within our Records Management Plan.

Contact Dams to Darnley Country Park Countryside Ranger Service at d2d@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk or telephone 0141 577 4053 or 07850320251. 

This notice will be kept under regular review and was last updated on the 16 August 2023 .

Depending on why we need to process your information you'll have rights to how your information is used.  Further information about your rights, including the circumstances in which they apply, can be found within our main Privacy Policy.

If you have concerns about the processing of your personal data, by the council, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at dpo@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk.

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing, visit the Information Commissioner's Office website.

Last modified on 10 June 2024