Firework Control Zone FAQs

Find out about the Firework Control Zone process in East Renfrewshire

The Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Act 2022 gives discretionary powers to local authorities to designate Firework Control Zones where it is considered there is a need to restrict the use of fireworks in specific areas.

A Firework Control Zone is defined as an 'Area within a Local Authority boundary in which it is a criminal offence for a member of the public to ignite a firework, including on private property'.

The boundary of the zone needs to be clearly defined in terms of area and has to be proportionate in size so that it is enforceable. The guidance states that Firework Control Zones cannot cover an entire local authority area, or even extensive parts.

Reasons can include:

misuse of fireworks (e.g. anti-social behaviour, attacks on public, attacks on emergency workers or noise from fireworks)

  • injuries from fireworks (e.g. number and severity)
  • animal welfare (e.g. anxiety, injuries, effect on livestock)
  • impact on Vulnerable Groups (e.g. autism, assistance dogs, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • environmental protection (e.g. air quality, spent fireworks, proximity to nature reserves).

Yes, fireworks can be used in a control zone:

  • for the purposes of an organised public fireworks display - local licensing requirements still apply
  • in connection with a regulatory authority's function
  • for business purposes by businesses involved in the manufacture, import, distribution, or supply of fireworks
  • if they are category F1 Fireworks (indoor fireworks e.g. sparklers) 

The Council and its community partners can be asked to consider a Firework Control Zone by a Community Request.

A Community Request needs to come from a Community Group and cannot come from an individual alone. This can be a group of people with something in common and in many cases it might be that they live in the same area or share a common interest, such as a Community Council or a group representing faith, culture, welfare, the environment or a conservation area. 

An application form is available for any group that wishes to apply for a Firework Control Zone.

The Community Request application will be considered by the Council and its partners using available evidence. A formal response will be issued advising that the application will either be accepted to proceed to a consultation, or rejected at this initial stage.

If rejected, a response will be issued with clear reasoning as to why the decision was taken not to proceed to a consultation. This response will demonstrate that account has been taken of any issues raised. If proceeding to a consultation, a proposal will then be developed and published.

Once a consultation is completed and submissions considered, the outcome will be to either designate or not designate a control zone. The decision will include:

  • a summary of the consultation and analysis of responses
  • number of responses and who from
  • the rationale to proceed or not to proceed
  • clear demonstration that account was taken of responses and of any issues raised

If the decision after consultation is not to designate a zone, the group applying has the opportunity to request a review within 28 days and with clear criteria for the review. The review needs to be carried out by a Council Officer not involved in the decision making process. 

East Renfrewshire Council would be expected to have a good evidence base for the designation of a zone using data and intelligence from agencies, including Police, Scottish Fire and Rescue Services (SF&RS), East Renfrewshire Council (Community Safety & Trading Standards) along with other agencies and other Council Departments as required. There is also an expectation that other courses of action would have first been considered (see alternatives to a Firework Control Zone below). 

A Firework Control Zone is one tool within a range of multi-agency enforcement and preventative measures available and is not designed to be the first or only step, a local authority can take to tackle issues associated with fireworks.

Other courses of action include:

  • community engagement and awareness
  • enforcement activities
  • targeted use of Police, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service and Council Community Safety Officers
  • retailer compliance checks
  • engagement with young people (e.g. via schools / youth clubs) 

In December 2024, the Council met with Police Scotland and Scottish Fire & Rescue Service to review all calls and intelligence each partner received.

This revealed there was a low volume of calls received regarding fireworks and were from various locations across East Renfrewshire, with none concentrated around any particular geographical area. 

Based on current information, given the low volume, the nature and geographical spread of calls, it is highly unlikely that any community requests received would proceed to a consultation. Currently we do not foresee there being any requirement for a Firework Control Zone within the Council area for 2025.

However, East Renfrewshire Council are committed to improving community safety and we will continue to work in partnership with Police Scotland and Scottish Fire & Rescue Service in tackling any issues regarding fireworks. As such, we will continue to monitor any calls received regarding the use of fireworks during 2025. 

If any Community Group wishes to apply for a Firework Control Zone, then an application form can be requested by sending an email to

Last modified on 30 January 2025
  • Firework Control Zone FAQs