Fostering myths

Find answers to some common beliefs about foster caring

Fostering Imagination

We need foster carers for all ages of children and young people.  We recognise that all children need care, nurture and support.  Matching carers skills to children's needs is of the utmost importance to provide the best care that they can.

Owning your own home is not important. You only need to have a spare bedroom.

Being single in itself would not preclude you from being a foster carer.  In fact, we welcome applicants from all backgrounds

Yes, you can Your sexual orientation is not significant when determining your ability to provide a safe and nurturing home to a fostered child.

You need to be over 21 to foster but there's no maximum age limit.

The most important thing is that you can provide a loving, nurturing environment.  We have foster carers who have children and those who don't.

Not true. Many of our foster carers having their own children living at home.  Birth children often tell us they find fostering a positive experience.

You might not need to change your work commitments, depending on the young person's age and needs.  Some of our carers continue to work but have made adjustments to work patterns so that they are always available to support any child.

Foster carers receive financial support.  It helps to cover everyday expenses for the young person you care for, as well as supporting you to concentrate on being a carer.

Not necessarily, fostering assessments usually take 6 months to complete. It is important that we assess foster carers and help them to understand the role through assessment process.

Health issues won't automatically stop you from fostering. We look at every case individually. It's important we explore any physical and mental health issues.

We will consider any health issues as part of your overall assessment. 

Last modified on 30 January 2023