Apply for a private hire vehicle licence

Find out how to apply for a private hire vehicle licence. (Plates)

Who can apply?

To apply for a vehicle licence, you need a private hire driver licence and the vehicle you want to use as a private hire must:

  • be less than 5 years old
  • a maximum of 10 years old

Please note, private hire vehicles need an annual MOT from 3 years old.

When a private hire vehicle is 7 years old it needs a MOT every 6 months from its date of registration.

Before you start

Private hire cars must be pre-booked. Both the private hire vehicle and the driver must have separate licences. 

Find out how to apply for a private hire driver licence.

If you're interested in applying for a private hire licence, contact our Customer Services team to check availability on 0141 577 3005 or email

Duration of licence


1 year 


2 years 


3 years


1 year 
(wheelchair accessible vehicle)


2 years


3 years


How to apply

An individual or a company or partnership may apply to licence a vehicle.

For company or partnership applications, ID must be submitted for all partners, directors and managers.

To apply, fill out the relevant application form:

Once you've completed your application, please bring it and supporting documentation along to a drop-in. We can check everything is correct and let you know if we need any more information to process your application. 

Drop-in sessions

Drop-in will be held every four weeks at the Barrhead Council Offices between 9.00am 11.30am and then from 1.00pm until 3.30pm (View the list of dates and the documentation you're required to bring with you.). 
Please note drop-in sessions are for renewal applications only. 

If you require further help with your application you can contact


Enforcement issues will not be dealt with at drop-ins. For enforcement issues you should contact our Enforcement Officer directly at 

What happens next?

We aim to process your application as soon as possible.

Legislation allows for consideration of the application within 3 months and a decision within 6 months.

If you don't hear from us about the outcome of your application within a reasonable period email for an update.

Last modified on 21 March 2025