Contact us
Contact details, opening hours and dates of public holiday closures.
East Renfrewshire Council headquarters
Eastwood Park
Rouken Glen Road
G46 6UG
Contact details for customer services
Phone: 0141 577 3001
Customer service centre address and opening times
211 Main Street
G78 1SY
The centre is open Monday to Friday 8.45am to to 4.30pm*
Please note, we close for 1 hour between midday and 1pm Monday to Friday.
Phone: 0141 577 3002
Phone: 0141 577 3003 or 0800 052 0180 out of hours
Social work
Phone: 0141 577 3003 or 0300 343 1505 out of hours
Phone: 0141 577 3004 or 07798 875 297 out of hours
Ukraine refugees information - out of hours
Phone: 0800 013 0076
Phone: 0141 577 3001
Phone: 0141 577 3007 or 0808 003 1601 out of hours
Sports development
Phone: 0141 577 3008
Roads and lighting
Phone: 0141 577 3001 or 0800 373 635 out of hours
Dangerous building
Phone: 0141 577 3001 or 07584 183 451 out of hours
Anti-social behaviour
Phone: 0800 013 0076
- January: Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2
- April: Friday 18 and Monday 21
- May: Monday 5 and Monday 26
- September: Friday 26 and Monday 29
- December: Thursday 25 and Friday 26