For the latest updates on how services have been impacted by Storm Eowyn, go to our dedicated Storm Eowyn page.

Family First information resource

View our information resource where the Family First team have gathered together a selection of local and national organisations, helplines and programmes, which families the team have worked with found useful and supportive.

Man on phone and writing

Parent Club Scotland

Parent Club Scotland provides a wide range of information for parents and carers on topics including:

  • food and eating
  • health and development
  • community and support
  • money and rights

Visit the Parent Club website (opens new window).

Psychology of Parenting Programme

If you're worried about the behaviour of a young child you care for you may be interested in the Psychology of Parenting Programme aimed at families with children aged 2 to 8 years.

The programme guides participants to develop strong relationships with their children and help support their development and resilience.

To find out more email

Children 1st Parentline

Parentline Scotland is a free, confidential helpline providing advice and support for anyone caring for a child in Scotland.

Visit the Children 1st website (opens new window).

Early years, schools and learning

East Renfrewshire families can find a wide range of information about schools and early years establishments including admissions, holiday dates, placing requests and how to apply for free schools meals and clothing grants.

Visit our schools and learning web pages.

Healthier Minds

Healthier Minds has been created by our educational psychologists to help parents and carers support the mental wellbeing of their children. It includes advice on managing life's challenges, developing resilience and listening, talking and connecting.

Visit the Healthier Minds blog (opens new window).

Scottish Action for Mental Health (SAMH)

SAMH provide support, information and resources for people living with a mental health problem or supporting someone who is.

Visit the SAMH website (opens new window).

Adult learning

Adult Learning Services offers a range of learning opportunities for everyone whether they want to gain new skills or qualifications, get a new job, go to college or build their confidence and self esteem.

Visit our adult learning web page.

One Parent Families Scotland

One Parent Families Scotland work with and for single parent families, providing support services that enable them to achieve their potential and help create lasting solutions to barriers facing many single parents and their children.

Visit the One Parent Families Scotland website (opens new window).

Scottish Women's Aid

Scottish Women's Aid is the lead organisation in Scotland working towards the prevention of domestic abuse. They provide support, advice and information online, via their 24/7 Helpline and through their network of local Women's Aid groups.

Visit the Women's Aid website (opens new window).

Citizens Advice Bureau

The Citizens Advice Bureau provides free independent, confidential, impartial advice on issues including debt, consumer concerns, housing and work-related problems. 

Visit the Citizens Advice Bureau website (opens new window).

Money Advice and Rights team (MART)

MART provide free, expert, confidential advice on a range of financial matters including debt, benefits, appeals, Universal Credit and income maximisation.

Visit our MART web pages.

Work EastRen Employability Services

East Renfrewshire's Work EastRen Employability Services can help individuals identify a wide range of employment, education and training opportunities.

Visit our Work EastRen web page.

Best Start Grant and Best Start Food Card

The Best Start Grant from Social Security Scotland is a series of 3 payments, which parents on qualifying benefits can apply for:

  1. Pregnancy and baby payment
  2. Early years payment
  3. School age payment

The Best Start Food Card can be used by families with a child under the age of 3, to help with the costs of providing a healthy diet.

Visit the website (opens new window).

Sleep Scotland

Sleep Scotland provides support, information and training to improve the wellbeing and quality of life for families of children experiencing sleep problems.

Within the Family First team we have Sleep Scotland trained Counsellor Sam Cunningham. 

Visit the Sleep Scotland website (opens new window).

Scottish Autism

Scottish Autism is dedicated to enabling autistic people to lead healthy, happy and fulfilling lives. The organisation shares knowledge and expertise with parents and carers to support the development of skills and strategies to support autistic people.

Visit the Scottish Autism website (opens new window).

Dyslexia Scotland

Dyslexia Scotland support people affected by dyslexia and enable them, regardless of their age and abilities to reach their potential.

Visit the Dyslexia Scotland website (opens new window).

Play Scotland

Play Scotland has a positive impact on family wellbeing.

Play Scotland provide information, ideas and inspiration to promote the importance of play to allow all children to participate in quality play experiences that meet their individual needs.

Visit the Play Scotland website (opens new window).

Young Minds

Young Minds is the UK's leading charity supporting children and young people's mental health. They give mental health and wellbeing advice, guidance and resources to support children and young people and their families.

Visit the Young Minds website (opens new window).

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure is a charity delivering sport, leisure, arts and culture services in East Renfrewshire. Find out more about what is on offer in the libraries, sports facilities, pools and theatres across the authority.

Visit the East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure website

East Renfrewshire Carers Centre

East Renfrewshire Carers Centre provide information, advice and support to carers and young carers. The dedicated staff team provide a range of emotional and practical supports to carers across East Renfrewshire.

Visit the East Renfrewshire Carers Centre website

Recovery Across Mental Health (RAMH)

RAMH supports people in their recovery from mental ill health with a range of services including Adult Counselling, one-to-one support, information, physical activity and employability support.

Visit the RAMH website


Starcatchers is Scotland's Arts and Early Years Organisation, creating performances and creative activities for babies and children from birth to five years and the adults who care for them. Their 'Wee Inspirations' activities are perfect for parents and children to enjoy together at home.

Visit the Starcatchers website

Last modified on 5 November 2021