Council improve Cowan Park tennis courts

Cowan Park's tennis courts have reopened to the public following the completion of £7,000 improvement works.

Cowan Park tennis courts

Published: 14 July 2020

The upgraded courts have had the surfaces repainted and treated to prevent weeds. The nets and net posts have also been replaced, ready for public use.

The facility is free to use and booking is not required. Anyone playing tennis at the courts should do so responsibly and follow the national social distancing guidelines.

Environment Convener, Councillor Alan Lafferty, said: 'I was really pleased to see the results of the improvement works at Cowan Park's tennis courts. They are a fantastic asset for the people of Barrhead and beyond and we are dedicated to providing our residents and visitors with top class facilities in our public spaces. Let's hope for some nice summer weather over the coming months, helping to encourage us all to get out and about and enjoy our parks safely.'

Last modified on 22 October 2020
  • Council improve Cowan Park tennis courts