Additional funds provided to support families struggling financially

Grants will be paid before Christmas

Financial hardship

Published: 21 December 2020

A fund set up to support people struggling financially due to the impacts of Covid-19 will provide additional money to families across East Renfrewshire.

The grant provided to the Council as part of a Scottish Government scheme will be used to supplement the income of families already eligible for school clothing grants.

Another payment was also recently introduced by the Scottish Government to provide families with children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) with an additional payment of £100.

To ensure these funds support as many families as possible, the Council will provide all individuals who currently get FSM and/or Clothing Grants with a payment of £125. It will be paid as soon as possible to ensure it reaches people before Christmas.

As part of a total package of £240,500, more than 1,900 pupils will benefit from these payments.

This financial support may help families struggling due to financial pressures caused by Christmas or be used to purchase additional clothing, which could be required due to the increased amount of time children and young people are now spending outdoors, due to Covid-19.

Councillor Paul O'Kane, Convener for Education and Equalities, said: 'We couldn't have imagined how the Covid-19 pandemic would take hold and it has caused financial pressures to people across the whole of East Renfrewshire. This grant funding from the Scottish Government must be used to target those who are at the greatest financial risk. By providing these additional funds to families, at what is already an expensive time of year, it will hopefully ease the burden slightly. We want to ensure all our children and young people have the same opportunities and if these funds can help provide some extra warm clothes that allow children to continue playing outside with their friends during these uncertain times then that is to be welcomed.'

If you need any help or information about support which is available, the council and partners have a range of services. For questions about the Covid-19 restrictions or rules, call our Covid Support team on 0800 111 4000. If you are struggling with shopping or feeling isolated, call Voluntary Action East Renfrewshire on 0141 876 9555, or if your income is reduced and you are worrying about money call the council's Money Advice and Rights Team (MART) on 0141 577 8420.

Last modified on 21 December 2020