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Audit and Scrutiny Committee - 26 September 2024

Audit and Scrutiny Committee agenda and associated papers for the meeting on 26 September 2024.


  • Chair - Councillor Andrew Morrison
  • Councillor Tony Buchanan
  • Councillor Paul Edlin
  • Councillor Annette Ireland
  • Councillor David Macdonald
  • Provost Mary Montague
  • Councillor Gordon Wallace

Notice of meeting

View the notice of meeting for 26 September 2024. (PDF) [120KB] (opens new window)


  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of interest.
  3. Chair's Report.
  4. Read the Head of Accountancy (Chief Financial Officer) report on 2023/2024 Annual Accounts for the Council's Charitable Trusts. (PDF) [259KB] (opens new window)
  5. Read the Head of Accountancy's (Chief Financial Officer) report on the Annual Accounts and Draft Annual Audit Report. (PDF) [4MB] (opens new window)
  6. Read the Head of Accountancy (Chief Financial Officer) report on the Interim Treasury Management Report 2024/2025 - Quarter 1. (PDF) [360KB] (opens new window)
  7. Read the Director of Business Operations and Partnerships' report on the Impact of Hybrid Working. (PDF) [495KB] (opens new window)
  8. Read the Director of Business Operations and Partnerships' report on the Annual Sickness Absence Repor.t 2023/2024. (PDF) [318KB] (opens new window)
  9. Read the Chief Executive's report on the Review of the Strategic Risk Register (SRR) and Presentation on Use of the SRR. (PDF) [276KB] (opens new window)
  10. Read the External Auditor's report on Local External Audit Report - Best Value Thematic Report on Workforce Innovation. (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
  11. Read the Clerk's report on the National External Audit Report - Integration Joint Boards' Finance and Performance 2024. (PDF) [260KB] (opens new window)
  12. Read the Chief Auditor's report on the Internal Audit Annual Report 2023/2024. (PDF) [294KB] (opens new window)
  13. Read the Chief Auditor's report on the Review of the Internal Audit Charter. (PDF) [149KB] (opens new window)

Meeting papers

Read the Audit and Scrutiny Committee papers for 26 September 2024. (PDF) [9MB] (opens new window)  

Meeting Recording

A recording of this meeting can be viewed on the Council's YouTube channel.


The minute for this meeting is not yet available.


For more information phone 0141 577 8388 or email linda.hutchison@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk.

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For a copy phone Customer Services on 0141 577 3001 or email customerservices@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk.

Last modified on 19 September 2024