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Upload documents for a number of admissions processes for schools within East Renfrewshire Council.
P1 applications - next steps
You now need to submit documentary evidence which confirms that you and the child, for whom you have parental responsibility, currently live (or will be living) within the catchment area of the school you are applying to before the start of term in August 2024.
Look at the documents required section below and upload the evidence relevant to your own particular circumstances (1, 2 or 3). Submit the evidence to the school you're applying to from the list of schools.
The documents must be submitted by the end of January 2024. For applications submitted from 1 February 2024 evidence should be submitted within 4 weeks from the date of application.
How we check your application
From the point of application for a catchment school place, there will be ongoing investigations and scrutiny of the child's entitlement to attend, at any point, a school (in respect of their residence within the delineated catchment area of the school). This will continue after school enrolment. The Council will use all means available to it in order to investigate suspicions or allegations of fraud, including, but not limited to, surveillance, in cases where it's necessary and proportionate to do so. At any point, if there are any concerns regarding a child's entitlement to a place, the Education Department will seek further documentary evidence (in addition to the documents detailed below) to validate a child's entitlement to a place in a school.
Documents Required
Child's birth certificate
Child's Roman Catholic baptismal certificate (if applicable)
Passports and visas for parent/carer and child (if applicable)
Current Council Tax notice
Proof of ownership i.e. most recent mortgage statement (if you own the property and don't have a mortgage, please provide proof of ownership e.g. title deeds) or rental agreement (which must include the landlord's registration number)
Proof of Child Benefit (this can be obtained online via Government Gateway
Recent utility bill (gas/electricity or TV/internet provider)
* A driving licence or recent bank statement (with transactions in the last 3 months) may be accepted if you do not claim Child Benefit.
To be submitted as soon as possible after submitting the application:
Child's birth certificate
Child's Roman Catholic Baptismal certificate (if applicable)
Evidence confirming proof of purchase or rental of a property, together with a confirmed entry date
A receipt from East Renfrewshire Council confirming that an application to register for council tax has been made
Passports and visas for parent/carer and child (if applicable)
To be submitted as soon as possible once you have moved:
Proof of Child Benefit (this can be obtained online via Government Gateway
Utility bill i.e. welcome pack from your gas/electricity or TV/internet provider (the document must show your name and catchment address and be dated on or after the date you move into the property)
Evidence you're no longer residing at your previous property i.e. proof of sale or end of lease
* A driving licence or recent bank statement may be accepted if you do not claim Child Benefit (the document must show your name and catchment address and be dated on or after the date you move into the property)
If you reside/will be residing with friends or family, and not in a property of your own, you'll need to submit evidence from the householder as well as yourself (the applicant).
From the householder:
A letter confirming you (the applicant) and the child you care for live with them and are normally resident at the property (the letter should show their contact details, when the arrangement started and how long it's expected to last)
Their most recent mortgage statement or rental agreement (which must include the landlord's registration number). If they own the property and don't have a mortgage, they should provide proof of ownership e.g. title deeds
Their current council tax bill
A letter from East Renfrewshire Council confirming that you (the applicant) are registered as a non-liable resident, for council tax purposes, at the property
Recent utility bill (gas/electricity or TV/internet provider)
From the parent/carer (applicant):
Child's birth certificate
Child's Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)
Passports and visas for parent/carer and child (if applicable)
Proof of Child Benefit (this can be obtained online via Government Gateway
Evidence you (the applicant) and your child are registered with a GP/dental practice at the catchment address
If you've recently moved to the catchment address, evidence you no longer reside at your previous property may be required e.g. proof of sale or end of lease
* A driving licence or recent bank statement (with transactions in the last 3 months) may be accepted if you do not claim Child Benefit.
Submit your evidence online
Please note, you can only upload 5 documents per form. If you need to upload more documents or you have a large document (such as a rental agreement) you may need to upload them individually and submit the form again. Don't zip or compress files before submission.
Please select the school that you've made a catchment application for from the list below. If you've got an allocation letter please select the school allocated.
You'll need the reference number, available from the confirmation email received when you submitted the application, together with your child's name and child's date of birth.