East Renfrewshire Renewable Energy Fund Conditions of Grant

Read the Renewable Energy Fund Grant Conditions

In addition to the General Conditions contained in the East Renfrewshire Renewable Fund (ERREF) guidance notes, the following conditions will apply. Applicants must read and agree to abide by these conditions of grant.

A. General

  1. The grant is allocated for the purpose of the grant only and no guarantee can be given that further funds will be available.
  2. The overall aims and practices of the purpose of the grant must be consistent with the objectives of the council.
  3. The applicant must not treat any members or potential members less favourably on any grounds which could be deemed discriminatory including but not exclusively, race, colour, disability, gender or faith.
  4. The grant must be spent only for the purpose for which it is granted.
  5. East Renfrewshire Council's liability shall be to make payment of the grant to the organisation. All other liabilities or claims are the responsibility of the organisation.
  6. The organisation will, at any time, if requested:
    a) Provide information or copies of financial records, as may be required by an authorised officer of East Renfrewshire Council and;
    b) Make items purchased or projects developed available for inspection if required.
  7. The organisation must provide three written quotes for individual items costing over £150.
  8. The Grant must be spent within the approved timescale; this will generally be 12 months from date of award. Any anticipated variation must be made known to the council at the earliest opportunity.
  9. The purpose of the grant will be carried out under the complete control of the organisation. Where a grant represents the organisation's contribution to a joint purpose of the grant, the council must be satisfied that the overall aims and practices of the purpose of the grant are consistent with the objectives of the council.
  10. Any group receiving grant aid should acknowledge the support of the council and the ERREF in all publicity materials.
  11. The grant should not be used for political campaigning purposes.
  12. All organisations dealing with young people under the age of 18 years must have a child protection policy.
  13. You must comply with UK Subsidy Control legislation and provide to the council evidence of all public funds received.
  14. All organisations must have complied with the conditions attached to previous awards (e.g. submission of receipts). Where this condition is not complied with, subsequent applications will not be processed.
  15. Additional conditions may be set by East Renfrewshire Council at its discretion.

B Equipment

Community Organisations awarded grant funding for the purchase of equipment will ensure that:

  1. The equipment will be owned and controlled by the organisation.
  2. The council bears no responsibility for insurance of equipment.
  3. The organisation will undertake to ensure that the equipment is fully and properly maintained.
  4. Equipment purchased with a grant will not be disposed of without prior consultation with the council.
  5. If the community group or voluntary organisation is disbanded, any equipment purchase through an East Renfrewshire Council grant will revert to the Council, or if the equipment has been lost, stolen or damaged and not replaced, any monies obtained from insurance will revert to the Council.
  6. Equipment of a specialist nature will only be used under supervision of a qualified person when appropriate Health and Safety conditions have been met.

For more information view ourERREF Fund webpage for e-mail business@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk

Last modified on 31 August 2023