Place Based Investment Programme Application Guidance

Read our guidance to assist with your PBIP application.

Please use the following guidance to assist with completing the Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP) application form.

Information about the organisation, group, Council service, partnership, applying to the fund

(7) VAT costs will only be paid when the applicant is not VAT registered and unable to reclaim back VAT cost

(8) Funds will not be paid into personal bank accounts

(10) You will not receive the fund if you do not have the proper insurance policy for the work/service you're applying for

Information about you (the person filling out the application) and another contact from the organisation, group or partnership

This will be the person/people we will get in touch with about your project.

The Place Based Investment Programme requires that regular updates are given to East Renfrewshire Council Cabinet and to the Scottish Government.

Evaluation and monitoring of your project will be regular and information on progress will be asked for via the lead and secondary contact. 

(21) Your project can include a multitude of features, proposals and elements - for example you could apply for a bid for general revitalisation of your town or village which includes the development of green space, building improvements or environmental works in one bid.

East Renfrewshire Council Assessment Panel (scoring matrix) - Projects will be evaluated on the following criteria: 

- viability of the project

- your readiness to deliver the project as a group

- the extent of community consultation

- how well you have assessed the costs of your project

- the objectives of the PBIP and how well your application fits with them

Place Based Investment Programme Main Objectives

To link and align place based initiatives and establish a coherent local framework to implement the Place Principle

- provide information on how the project links to the Council's Community Plan, Locality Plans and Local Action Plans

- provide information on what objectives the project supports and the potential outcomes

- tell us how the support and outcomes links to place based initiatives

- provide evidence of local support

To support place policy ambitions such as town centre revitalisation, community led regeneration, living well locally, Community Wealth Building and Inclusive Growth

- how does the project support community wealth building and inclusive growth? Tell us how the project will tackle inequality by placing a greater degree of control into the hands of the community. For example, provide evidence that inequality exists in the community though community questionnaires and explain how the project will tackle it

- how does the project support town centre/neighbourhood revitalisation? How will this project revitalise the area it focuses on? For example, provide evidence a particular building in the community needs upgrading to maintain/improve the role it plays within the community and how the local people have supported this idea

- how the project supports community led regeneration efforts? Provide evidence of the community being at the heart of the project. For example, include evidence that there has been community involvement when developing the project

To ensure that all place based investments are shaped by the needs and aspirations of local communities

- show how the project has been developed with the needs of the local community in mind. This could be shown through community questionnaires, community meetings, and feedback from locals

- highlight the lasting benefits your project will have on the community and the impact that will have

To accelerate our ambitions for net zero, wellbeing and inclusive economic development, tackling inequality and disadvantage, community involvement and ownership.

- how does the project promote a net-zero future? For example, include predicted figures of reduced emissions and how you came to that figure. • How does the project accelerate wellbeing and inclusive economic development?

- how does the project tackle inequality and disadvantage? For example, include SIMD figures for the area and what your project aims to deliver.

- how does the project accelerate community involvement and ownership? Give details on what and how the community have been involved with planning

(23) Consider ongoing revenue costs associated with the delivery and maintenance of the project and who will be responsible for meeting these.

For example: staff costs, utility bills, rent, Wi-Fi, servicing, maintenance etc.

(26) Detail how you will work towards the selected objective.

(27) The estimated start date of your project. This is when you estimate the works/ improvements to start.

(28) This is when you estimate the work described in your project to be completed by.

(29) Have you received funding in a previous year? Please confirm which year and whether you achieved full spend.

(30) Is your application a joint one with another organisation? Please give details.

(32-33) Feasibility studies and engagement. Please answer yes or no. If your project is successful we may ask for this information. It also may give the assessment panel an indication of the readiness of the project.

(34) Ownership information - clarify the details of the ownership status. This is important to establish. Your answer would let us know how ready the project is to deliver and give an indication as to its readiness.

Ownership clarification - successful applications will be required to demonstrate a marketable title to the property or site (or evidence permission to use) as part of the application process. When applying please confirm whether you own the property or site, and if not, an indication that the owner is supportive or aware that plans will be required.

If the land or building is leased you will be required to demonstrate that landlord consent has been obtained.

(35-36) It's the responsibility of the applicant to check whether any statutory consents are required, and to secure these prior to works commencing. The consents may include but are not limited to:

- planning permission is usually required for any alteration that materially affects the external appearance of a building for example canopies/awnings or painting within conservation areas

- listed building consent

- a building warrant may also be required, depending on the level of intervention

- evidence of pre-application discussion/statutory consents (i.e. in relation to planning consent/advert consent/listed building consent/building warrant). Please provide the relevant reference numbers if applicable

It's not necessary to have secured consent before making an application for funding, but you'll have to show in writing that you have discussed your proposal with the relevant department. Projects will not be approved for funding until consents are in place.

(38) Your application should demonstrate that the organisation has considered how best to sustain the project beyond the PBIP investment.

(39) As part of grant conditions projects must meet agreed outputs and impacts as set by the Scottish Government.  Please select ONLY the most appropriate and relevant measures from the agreed outputs and impacts table and outline how you would measure these.

(41) Provide a project plan showing that you have thought about processes and responsibilities at each stage of the process from procurement through to delivery and operation.

(42) The Health and Safety Executive's Five steps to risk assessment:

  • Step 1: Identify the hazards
  • Step 2: Decide who might be harmed and how
  • Step 3: Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
  • Step 4: Record your findings and implement them
  • Step 5: Review your risk assessment and update if necessary 

(43) The fund will support significant change for East Renfrewshire communities through community led projects. We recognise that projects which will make a real difference to their communities are likely to require significant investment however, applicants should consider the limited funds available and the geographic spread of the East Renfrewshire area

Applicants are advised to offer matching funding where possible.

(45) Is your organisation's intention to use this funding to top up funding you have already secured or are hoping to secure from another source? Please explain the timeline of funding to be secured and awarded.


Do you have current quotes? If so please attach with the application.

Your project may not receive the full amount required or requested. If this is the case would your organisation be able to cover the costs from other sources? As stated above, we can advise you in this process.

You are required to identify the cost against each item, which must be based on quotations received.

Copies of original tenders should be on contractor's headed notepaper. If you are not using the lowest quote, please explain why.

(47) Please give details of estimated timescale for obtaining quotes.

(48) For example, you can employ the services of a quantity surveyor and share their findings with us. Or if your research is based on previous quotes, please remember to factor in inflation for new prices.

(49) Please provide a full breakdown of expenditure for the project using the guidance provided on the expenditure table. Applicants should also submit a full breakdown of costs with their submission.

Please include last audited accounts or management accounts (as appropriate)
(b) Please detail any support received from East Renfrewshire Council such as subsidised venues, professional advice, provision of services at a reduced rate
(c) It is necessary to seek information on all public funding received as subsidy assistance over a three year period to ensure that it does not breach the £315,000 ceiling. Please note this does not adversely affect your application. 

This is all the information you must be aware of or the actions you must have taken and the requirements you are signing up to, if your fund is successful.

In order to support your application you wish to refer to the following resources:

Town Centre Audits 

East Renfrewshire Council Community Plan 

Locality Plans 

Local Action Plans 

Understanding Scottish Places - this tool helps you to better understand and compare the places where you work and live

Improvement Service Place and Wellbeing Outcomes 

The Place Based Framework 

Local Development Plan 2 (PDF, 5 MB) 

National Planning Framework 4 

Use the list below to check you have everything in place to progress your application.



Completed application form


Constitution for voluntary organisations only (refer to question 4)


Redacted Bank Account (refer to question 9)


Insurance Policy (refer to question 11)


Consultation or feasibility study (refer to question 33)


Consent forms (refer to question 37)


Project plan/ Grant Chart or spreadsheet  (refer to question 41)


3 Quotes for work & materials (refer to question.46)


Audited or Management Accounts (refer to question. 51(a)


Declaration Form


Economic Development and Inclusive Growth Team

2 Spiersbridge Way
G46 8NG

Phone: 0141 577 3325



Last modified on 2 November 2023