Starting new term on the right foot

If you can, consider active travel for the school run.

Active travel

Published: 10 August 2020

Many families have been enjoying walking, cycling, running and scooting as part of their daily exercise, so with schools returning this week, it is great opportunity to reconsider your school run.

As part of the Spaces for People project, we are suspending parking on Academy Road outside Giffnock Primary and Hawthorn Road at Busby Primary, ensuring there is space for parents to safely distance outside the school gates.

This is just the first step in making the roads around our schools safer and we hope to implement similar measures at other schools in the future.

By choosing to walk, cycle or scoot, pupils arrive fresh and ready to learn and there will be less congestion around schools. So, if you can, why not think about leaving the car at home and give active travel a go.


Last modified on 15 October 2020