Council Leader responds to East Renfrewshire remaining in Level 2

Urges residents to remain cautious

Following the announcement by the First Minister that East Renfrewshire will remain in Level 2 Covid restrictions, our Council Leader has made a statement on the current situation.

Council Leader Tony Buchanan said: 'It is welcome news that we have remained in level 2, in recognition of the relatively low overall numbers in the area. We had productive discussions with the Scottish Government, including the Cabinet Secretary for Covid Recovery John Swinney, before this decision was reached but it is important to point out that we remain in a very precarious situation. The decision is undoubtedly a welcome boost for our local businesses and I know they will all continue to follow the necessary guidance rigorously. Despite staying at level 2, our rising numbers of Covid cases remains a concern and it's important that we all do our bit to try to help stop the spread. It's vital that we all continue to follow the FACTS guidance and we also now have three asymptomatic testing sites up and running across the area. I'd urge all residents to get regularly tested, even if you don't have symptoms, as identifying positive cases as early as possible helps to contain these and will drive down our transmission rates.'

Last modified on 24 May 2021