Access protection marking conditions

Information on the required conditions of an access protection marking application.

Access protection markings conditions

The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (commonly abbreviated to TSRGD) is the law that sets out the design and conditions of use of official traffic signs (which includes road markings) that can be lawfully placed on or near roads.

The TSRGD gives authorisation for an advisory access protection marking to be installed across dropped kerbs or driveways to highlight to other road users the section of a carriageway which should be kept clear of waiting vehicles.

1. Applications for an access protection marking will only be considered if the kerbs have been properly dropped, with approval if necessary from the Council.

2. When an existing access protection marking has extensively worn away, a new application process must be undertaken before consideration will be given to refreshing the marking.

3. The current charge, approved by Council, for the installation of a new access protection marking or to refresh an existing access protection marking is £222.25 for the year 2023/24.

4. The installation and maintenance of the access protection marking must only be carried out by the Council's appointed road marking contractor.

5. The applicant must not park on the access protection markings outside their driveway as such behaviour undermines its effectiveness. The Council may remove any access protection marking that is persistently being misused by residents or others.

6. Where a gap between two adjacent driveways is not sufficient to allow on-street parking without causing an obstruction, the access protection marking will need to be installed across both driveways. In these circumstances written agreement from the adjacent property owner must also be included with the application confirming acceptance that the access protection marking will be installed across their driveway. The charge for the one access protection marking covering the both driveways will remain the same as for a single driveway.

7. Applications to install an access protection marking where there are existing yellow line restrictions or white zigzag markings adjacent to a driveway access will not be approved.

Applications for an access protection marking will be determined by the Council officers after full consideration of the submitted evidence, sightline obstructions and any nearby parking restrictions.

Where a resident attempts to refurbish or maintain an access protection marking themselves, this will be deemed a contravention of condition 4 above and the marking may be removed.

Last modified on 27 June 2023