Taxi Drop in dates
View the list of dates in 2025 you can drop in to submit your renewal taxi application
For renewal applications only, taxi drop-in will be held every four weeks at the Barrhead Council Offices between 9.00am and 11.30am and then from 1.00pm to 3.30pm.
View the list of dates below
Renewal applications only -new applications will be taken by invitation only.
13 March
10 April
8 May
5 June
3 July
31 July
28 August
25 September
23 October
20 November
18 December
New Applications
Due to exceptional demand we're introducing a waiting list for submitting new taxi/private hire applications.
Join the new applications waitlist
Your details will be added to our waiting list and you'll be contacted in due course with details on how to submit your application.
If you need assistance in between these dates email
Capacity at drop-ins will be very limited with delays likely.
Enforcement issues will not be dealt with at drop-ins. For enforcement issues you should contact our Enforcement Officer directly at
Please read the checklists before you come to a drop-in and bring the listed information/documentation (hard copy) with you.
Applications that are incomplete will not be accepted and you'll be asked to come back at a later date.