Information about our Place Based Investment Programme and how to apply

The Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP) is a Scottish Government capital fund and East Renfrewshire Council are inviting applications for projects that support community led projects which are reflected in our Local Action Plans, Locality Plans, Place Plans, and community engagement activity or through other community led regeneration work.

The fund will support significant change for East Renfrewshire communities through community led projects. We recognise that projects which will make a real difference to their communities are likely to require significant investment.

Aims and Objectives of the programme

  • To link and align place based initiatives and establish a coherent local framework to implement the Place Principle.
  • To support place policy ambitions such as town centre revitalisation, community led regeneration, living well locally, Community Wealth Building and Inclusive Growth.
  • To ensure that all place based investments are shaped by the needs and aspirations of local communities.
  • To accelerate our ambitions for net zero, wellbeing and inclusive economic development, tackling inequality and disadvantage, community involvement and ownership.

This grant funding is provided by the Scottish Government to support a wide range of capital investments in East Renfrewshire including but not limited to the following:

  • Environmental improvements
  • Public realm works in our town centres/neighbourhoods
  • Making better use of land and existing buildings
  • Help people make more journeys on foot or bicycle by improving access and safety
  • Improving access/movement networks
  • Improve opportunities to enjoy active outdoors
  • Reduce carbon emissions by providing more green energy usage in our public spaces.
  • Shop front improvement schemes

Please note that revenue costs such as salaries are not eligible for this funding.

Funding 2023/2024

Applications open 5 January 2024

For this year of the PBIP fund there will be an indicative allocation of £385,000 from the Scottish Government.

East Renfrewshire Council has received the following sums for this programme:

Round and year          Amount
Round 1   2021/22    £635,000
Round 2   2022/23    £553,000
Round 3   2023/24    £385,000
Round 4   2024/25    £385,000
Round 5   2025/26   £385,000

Total amount

There will also be no minimum or maximum cap. You can apply for as little or as much as you like. However, before deciding how much to apply for, applicants are strongly advised to recognise that the fund is to deliver for all of East Renfrewshire, all of its communities and intends to make as many ideas come to fruition as possible.

What is the deadline for applications?

Applications open on 5 January 2024 and the closing date for submission is 5 April 2024.

Who allocates the funds?

The funding is for local authorities to allocate, working collaboratively with local communities, along with business and the third and public sectors, to support shared local plans and aspirations. Final decision on the allocation rests with East Renfrewshire Council and decisions will be made by East Renfrewshire Council's Cabinet.

Who will see my information?

Read our Data Protection policy

What happens if I'm successful in my bid?

If you're successful in your application the Economic Development team will contact you and issue you with an Offer of Grant. The Offer of Grant sets out the conditions of the grant awarded, timescales and claiming the grant funding. Project applicants will also be required to submit regular progress reports.

Expression of Interest

It may be the case that you are not sure you are ready to apply to the PBIP fund. If you are in doubt we would encourage you to complete our Expression of Interest form which will be shared with a group of council officers with various expertise. One of our officers will be in touch to help.

Complete an expression of interest form (Word doc, 71 KB)

Last modified on 2 November 2023