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Business grant types

Find out about the types of grants available, what can be funded and what's excluded.

Types of grants available 

Annual TurnoverGrant AvailableConditions
At least £100,000 

£ 1,000

Grant payable will be 50% of
eligible costs up to a maximum
of £1,000

Small Business Assistance Small Grant Award

Open to established businesses trading for over 12 months.

Businesses must demonstrate that the grant will facilitate increased turnover in the 12 months following any grant award or sustain or grow their workforce

At least £150,000   

£ 5,000

Grant payable will be 50% of
eligible costs up to a maximum of £5,000

Small Business Assistance Medium Grant Award

Open to established businesses trading for over 12 months

Businesses must demonstrate that the grant will facilitate increased turnover in the 12 months following any grant award or sustain or grow their workforce

At least £250,000


Grant payable will be 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of £10,000

Small Business Assistance Large Grant Award

Open to established businesses trading for over 12 months

Businesses must demonstrate that the grant will facilitate increased turnover in the 12 months following any grant award or sustain or grow their workforce

At least £500,000


Grant payable will be 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of £50,000

Small Business Assistance Special Grant Award

Open to established businesses trading for over 12 months with a workforce of more than 10 employees and who can demonstrate the
ability to grow their income and workforce by at least 10% within 12 months of receipt of the grant

At least £50,000 

£ 5,000 Grant payable will be up to a maximum of £5,000

SBA Get to Zero Grant

This grant is open to established businesses trading
for over 12 months and who are trading from commercial
premises within East Renfrewshire and looking to improve
energy efficiencies or purchase more energy efficient equipment.

The Get to Zero Grant supports local businesses and provides
a grant of up to £5,000. Grant funding can be used towards: ·

  • low energy heating and lighting systems
  • improved Insulation roof and building
  • solar / ground / air source heat or solar thermal technology
  • waste management / recycling
  • equipment that demonstrates a significant energy saving through its installation

Businesses will need to demonstrate either ownership of their premises or permission from landlord to carry out changes to premises

Businesses will also need to demonstrate through an energy audit that the measures will generate savings on energy and emissions


Micro Grants

Open to businesses that have been trading for at least 3 months, turning over between £10,000 and £100,000 per annum and working more than 16 hours per week. 

AmountGrant Available


Match funding is not required

Micro Grant Equipment Fund

Towards one piece of equipment / tooling / computer hardware that will enable the business to grow and develop. 


Match funding is not required

Micro Grant E- Commerce Fund

Towards development of E-Commerce activity that will increase the ability of a micro business to trade better through developing:

  • e-selling platforms
  • e-booking systems
  • e-marketing that drives sales via the E-platform (excludes social media advertising)


Match funding required

Micro Grant Training Fund

50% match funded towards CPD / Training for key staff at VQ level 3 or above (or equivalent).  Capped at £100 per staff member and mandatory training requirements will not be eligible.


Match funding is not required

Micro Grant Health, Wellbeing and Fair Work Practices Fund

Towards businesses developing fair work and wellbeing policies for their workforce. Business must have one or more FTE employees other than business owner.


Match funding is not required

Micro Grant Tried and Tested Fund

Towards ideas testing of products and processes. Outcome must include an options appraisal to provide rationale for going forward. Match funding is not required.


What can the grants be used for?

Funding can support the purchase of:

  • new equipment
  • IT hardware purchases (excluding tablets or mobile phones)
  • tooling costs
  • property extensions or improvements. Please note this applies to commercial premises only
  • exhibiting at home or overseas
  • marketing and e-commerce activities
  • tourism and events that can demonstrate increased tourism activity
  • developing new products or processes
  • innovation or research
  • bespoke software design to develop new systems, processes and e-commerce activity

All equipment purchases and improvements should demonstrate energy efficiencies and the ability to improve production or facilities or introduce new products or services.

What's excluded from funding?

In general, grant funds can't be used towards:

  • Equipment / software etc. already purchased. We are unable to approve any grants where the purchased or order has already been made.
  • The purchase of any furniture, equipment or consumables needed to run a business
  • The purchase of tablets and mobile phones
  • Routine property maintenance
  • Development and marketing of information websites and brochures etc, which lack a clear focus on e-commerce development
  • Social media marketing / advertising
  • Purchase and installation of off-the-shelf software packages (e.g. Microsoft Office software, standard Sage packages etc.)
  • Purchases made via hire purchase, lease or other finance agreement
  • Employee wages
  • Vehicles
  • General purchase of stock
  • Business running or monthly costs
  • Standard websites not offering any selling or ability to trade on line


Last modified on 18 December 2024