Impact assessments
East Renfrewshire Council has a legal obligation to assess the impact of every decision we make and every provision we put in place, under both the Public Sector Equality Duty and the Fairer Scotland Duty.
We us an integrated Equality, Fairness and Rights Assessment (EFRIA) to work out how a policy or function will affect the wellbeing of different groups of people, with particular needs, or who are disadvantaged in some way. EFRIA is an opportunity to drive fairness and good business practice.
Search results
Budget Saving Proposal - Reduction in Centrally based business support and budget posts impact assessment (Ref: EDU 3.1 ) the Budget Saving Proposal - Reduction in Centrally based business support and budget posts impact assessment
Budget Saving Proposal - Removal of early intervention and prevention resource impact assessment (Ref: EDU 3.4 ) the Budget Saving Proposal - Removal of early intervention and prevention resource impact assessment
Budget Saving Proposal - Budget Saving Proposal - Reduce Adult learning staffing impact assessment (Ref: EDU 3.19 ) the Budget Saving Proposal - Budget Saving Proposal - Reduce Adult learning staffing impact assessment
Budget Saving Proposal - Reduction in Modern apprentices impact assessment (Ref: EDU 3.18 ) the Budget Saving Proposal - Reduction in Modern apprentices impact assessment
Budget Saving Proposal - Reduction in support for Quality in Education budget impact assessment (Ref: EDU 2.6 ) the Budget Saving Proposal - Reduction in support for Quality in Education budget impact assessment
Budget Saving Proposal - Reduction in classroom supplies budget impact assessment (Ref: EDU 2.5 ) the Budget Saving Proposal - Reduction in classroom supplies budget impact assessment
Budget Saving Proposal - Removal of funding for Dreams Come True, specialist therapies in IMS and KAOS Club in CCC impact assessment (Ref: EDU 2.4) the Budget Saving Proposal - Removal of funding for Dreams Come True, specialist therapies in IMS and KAOS Club in CCC impact assessment
Budget Saving Proposal - Reduction in other staff groups (excluding teachers) based in ELC/Schools Impact Assessment (Ref: EDU 2.3) the Budget Saving Proposal - Reduction in other staff groups (excluding teachers) based in ELC/Schools Impact Assessment
Budget Saving Proposal - Reduction in behaviour support pupil support assistants who support pupils across secondary schools impact assessment (Ref: EDU 2.2) the Budget Saving Proposal - Reduction in behaviour support pupil support assistants who support pupils across secondary schools impact assessment
Budget Saving Proposal - Remove Outdoor education subsidy Impact assessment (Ref: EDU 2.1 ) the Budget Saving Proposal - Remove outdoor education subsidy impact assessment