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Appeals Committee minute - 22 January 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) MINUTE of APPEALS COMMITTEE Minute of Meeting held at 10.00am in the Committee Room, Council Headquarters, Giffnock on 22 January 2020. Present: Councillor...
Appointments Committee minute - 11 March 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) MINUTE of APPOINTMENTS COMMITTEE Minute of Meeting held at 1.30pm in the Eastwood Health and Care Centre, Drumby Crescent, Clarkston, on 11 March 2020. Pre...
Audit and Scrutiny Committee papers - 25 June 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) and Community Services Department Council Headquarters, Eastwood Park, Giffnock, East Renfrewshire, G46 6UG Phone: 0141 577 3000 Fax: 0141 577 3129 we...
Audit and Scrutiny Committee Item 09 - 25 June 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) RENFREWSHIRE COUNCIL AUDIT AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 25 June 2020 Report by Clerk CONSULTANCY EXPENDITURE AND RELATED LOG PURPOSE OF REPORT 1. Further to disc...
Audit and Scrutiny Committee Item 10 - 25 June 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) RENFREWSHIRE COUNCIL EAST RENFREWSHIRE COUNCIL AUDIT AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 25 June 2020 Report by Clerk AUDIT AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE WORK PLANS 2019/20 AN...
Audit and Scrutiny Committee agenda - 25 June 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) and Community Services Department Council Headquarters, Eastwood Park, Giffnock, East Renfrewshire, G46 6UG Phone: 0141 577 3000 Fax: 0141 577 3129 we...
Integration Joint Board papers - 12 August 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) 31 July 2020 e-mail: TO: MEMBERS OF THE EAST RENFREWSHIRE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD Dear Colleague EAST RENFREWSHIRE INT...
Integration Joint Board Item 08 - 12 August 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) of East Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership Held on Integration Joint Board 12 August 2020 Agenda Item 8 Title East Renfrewshire HSCP Update...
Integration Joint Board Item 10 - 12 August 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) of East Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership Held on Integration Joint Board 12 August 2020 Agenda Item 10 Title Revenue Budget Monitoring Re...
Integration Joint Board minute - 18 March 2020 (Adobe pdf documents) of Meeting of the East Renfrewshire Integration Joint Board held at 10.30 am on 18 March 2020 in the Eastwood Health and Care Centre, Drumby Crescent, Cl...