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  • Appointments Committee minute - 1 December 2020 (Adobe pdf documents)

    1345 MINUTE of APPOINTMENTS COMMITTEE Minute of virtual meeting held at 1.00pm on 1 December 2020. Present: Councillor Tony Buchanan Councillor Jim McLean Counc...

  • Full Council meeting minute - 16 Decemebr 2020 (Adobe pdf documents)

    1367 MINUTE of EAST RENFREWSHIRE COUNCIL Minute of virtual meeting held at 7.00pm on 16 December 2020. Present: Provost Jim Fletcher Councillor Paul Aitken Coun...

  • Licensing Committee minute - 19 January 2021 (Adobe pdf documents)

    1381 MINUTE of LICENSING COMMITTEE Minute of virtual meeting held at 10.00am on 19 January 2021. Present: Councillor Angela Convery (Chair) Councillor Stewart M...

  • Appointments Committee minute - 16 December 2020 (Adobe pdf documents)

    1365 MINUTE of APPOINTMENTS COMMITTEE Minute of meeting held at 8.30am in the Ballroom, Eastwood House, Eastwood Park, Giffnock on 16 December 2020. Present: Co...

  • Education Committee minute - 21 January 2021 (Adobe pdf documents)

    1387 MINUTE of EDUCATION COMMITTEE Minute of virtual meeting held at 10.00am on 21 January 2021. Present: Councillor Paul O’Kane (Chair) Councillor Colm Merrick...

  • Audit & Scrutiny Committee minute - 21 January 2021 (Adobe pdf documents)

    1395 MINUTE of AUDIT & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Minute of virtual meeting held at 2.00pm on 21 January 2021. Present: Councillor Stewart Miller (Chair) Councillor Ann...

  • Planning Applications Committee minute - 10 February 2021 (Adobe pdf documents)

    1409 MINUTE of PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE Minute of virtual meeting held at 2.00pm on 10 February 2021. Present: Councillor Annette Ireland (Chair) Council...

  • Cabinet minute - 4 February 2021 (Adobe pdf documents)

    1405 MINUTE of CABINET Minute of virtual meeting held at 10.00am on 4 February 2021. Present: Councillor Tony Buchanan (Leader) Councillor Alan Lafferty Council...

  • Cabinet minute - 28 January 2021 (Adobe pdf documents)

    1401 MINUTE of CABINET Minute of virtual meeting held at 10.00am on 28 January 2021. Present: Councillor Tony Buchanan (Leader) Councillor Alan Lafferty Council...

  • Cabinet (Police & Fire) minute - 11 February 2021 (Adobe pdf documents)

    1417 MINUTE of CABINET (POLICE AND FIRE) Minute of virtual meeting held at 10.00am on 11 February 2021. Present: Councillor Colm Merrick (Chair) Councillor Paul...