Report a lighting fault

Report a street light or traffic light fault online.

Service information

Use this service to report a non-emergency fault. You can report a fault with:

  • bollards
  • pedestrian crossings
  • single street lights
  • sections of street lighting
  • traffic lights*

* This excludes temporary traffic lights connected with roadworks.

To report a fault with temporary traffic lights visit Roads Works Scotland website. The contact information for the company responsible works can be found on this site.

To report something else contact Customer Services.

Before you start

Please check we're responsible for the light you want to report a fault with (opens new window).

If the light is outwith East Renfrewshire you'll have to report this to the authority that's responsible for the light.

You'll be asked to tell us the unit number of the light you're reporting. The unit number is a black number on a white label on the front of the unit. For example, R1, S1, RP1.

If you don't have the unit number you can give us a clear description of where the unit is such as a nearby house number.

How to report

Report online

What happens next?

Please note, we may call you to ask for more information or update you on the fault if you've provided a phone number.

Depending on the type of fault you report our response time may vary. However, when we do have an update we'll email you.

Last modified on 16 November 2022
  • Report a lighting fault