School crossing patrols

Information about our school crossing patrols.

Helping children get to school safely

The school crossing patrol service has the duty to see children safely cross the road at specific sites on their journey to and from school.

The patrols normally work 2 times a day during the school term:

  • 8.30am to 9.15am
  • 2.40pm to 3.55pm

Parental responsibility

While every effort is made to staff each site during the school term, cover can't be guaranteed.

Please note, even where a school crossing patrol is available, parents remain responsible for their child's safety on their journey to and from school.


It's an offence under the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984, for a driver to fail to stop for a patroller.

It's also an offence for a driver to move off while the patroller is still on the road.

Last modified on 26 May 2021