Tree Works

Find out about planning laws to help protect our trees and woodland.

Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) help to protect trees which are important to the area.

Tree work covered by TPOs

You need permission from us to carry out work on trees covered by a TPO.

This includes:

  • felling
  • lopping
  • topping
  • trimming
  • uprooting

It's illegal to carry out tree work without our permission. You could face a fine up to £20,000.

Apply on the website (opens new window)

Work on trees in conservation areas

You need to give 6 weeks written notice to ask to carry out work on a tree in a conservation area.

We'll either agree to the work or apply a TPO to the tree.

Apply on the website (opens new window).

Work on trees on council owned land

Contact your Housing Officer if you live in a council house.

Contact us about trees on other council land.

Identifying TPOs and trees in conservation areas

Find where TPOs and conservation areas are on the map below

View map online 

If your tree falls within a conservation or a TPO area you require to submit a treeworks application Apply on the website


Last modified on 18 June 2024