About Foster Care

Find out about foster care and how we support children who can no longer live with their families

Fostering Talent

We're passionate about providing good quality care and support to children and their families in East Renfrewshire in order to make a positive impact on their lives. Children from all ages and backgrounds may need to be cared for in foster care if they can no longer live with their birth family.

All children are different and they may have experienced neglect which can be physical or emotional including abuse and domestic violence. However, they will all have experienced some form of loss and trauma if there are no longer staying with their birth family.

We're looking for a range of carers including carers who could offer regular short breaks, for example a planned series of overnights to support the child's network, or interim carers or longer term carers.

We always try to keep brothers and sisters together where possible, so we need carers who can take care of more than one child.

We need foster carers for:

  • brothers and sisters, allowing siblings to remain living together
  • teenagers
  • children with complex needs
  • unaccompanied asylum-seeking children

We welcome fostering enquiries from residents from within the local area who can care for our children and young people and help keep them connected to their local community, schools, friends and family.  We recognise the importance of helping to maintain these important relationships for children and young people.  

More information

If you'd like any more information or would like to speak to one of our team email fost@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk


Last modified on 18 January 2024