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Council supports employers taking on Modern Apprentices

We're offering local employers support in hiring a young person through a modern apprentice opportunity.

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Published 7 December 2022

Taking on an apprentice gives employers the opportunity to build a skilled workforce to suit the business needs and the apprentice can be an existing member of staff or a new employee.

When offering a modern apprentice role, the employer should pay the apprentice the national minimum wage for apprentices, provide support to each candidate through a mentor and allow them to work towards the chosen qualification.

Funding for training is provided through Skills Development Scotland and skilled assessors will tailor the learning to suit both the candidate and employer and provide support throughout the apprentice's journey.

Work EastRen, the Council's employability service, is an approved SQA centre, with over 20 years' experience in delivering qualifications in Childcare, Administration, Facilities Services and Hospitality. They can offer a free recruitment service when you commit to taking on an apprentice. This includes advertising to their wider Local Employability Partnership and on  They can help also with reviewing applications and interview preparation.

Environment Convener, Councillor Danny Devlin, said: 'Modern apprenticeships are a great opportunity for both the young people and the businesses. There are some great modern apprentice success stories across the Council and beyond, and with the supports and funding available, I'd encourage anyone who can, to get in touch with us and find out what would be possible.'

Employers can find out more by emailing, or calling 0141 577 8438.

Last modified on 9 December 2022