New position statement signed on Commercial Sexual Exploitation

The East Renfrewshire Violence Against Women & Girls Partnership has signed a new position statement on commercial sexual exploitation.

CSE statement photo

Published 10 December 2022

The statement recognises that commercial sexual exploitation is a significant issue affecting women, it is a form of gender based violence and a violation of the most fundamental human right.

As with all forms of violence against women, commercial sexual exploitation stems from gender inequality and includes a range of sexual activities which typically men profit from or buy from women which objectify and harm women. 

This includes prostitution, trafficking, sex tourism, pornography, sex web caming, internet sex chat rooms, escort agencies, lap dancing, pole dancing and stripping. This can be in exchange for drugs, food, shelter, protection, other basics of life, and/or money in exchange for sex or sexual acts.

The signing of this statement coincides with International Human Rights Day and marks the end of the 16 Days of Action campaign which aims to end all forms of gender-based violence.

Councillor Katie Pragnell, Health and Social Care Convener said: 'Violence against women and girls is everyone's business. We all have a role to play in tackling it and being aware of the different forms of abuse, including commercial sexual exploitation. Here in East Renfrewshire, we are committed to supporting action to ensure all individuals are equally safe and respected, allowing women and girls to live free from such abuse. To achieve this, we will promote actions which include challenging and reducing the demand for commercial sexual exploitation and the attitudes which condone and perpetuate it.'

For more information visit 16 questions for 16 days to hear answers to commonly asked questions on Commercial Sexual Exploitation

For help and support in relation to commercial sexual exploitation, please contact any of the agencies below:

  • CLiCK Click is an inclusive and confidential service supporting the safety and wellbeing of women who sell / exchange sex or images online in Scotland. Full information here.
  • Encompass Network a network of frontline services working with women affected by Commercial Sexual Exploitation
  • Sandyford G3 Priority Clinic Specialist sexual health service for people involved in the commercial sex industry Full information here Phone: 0141 211 8146.
  • TARA (Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance) 0141 276 7724 (24 hours)
  • Routes Out 0141 276 0737
  • Rape Crisis Scotland Helpline: Freephone 08088010302
  • Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis: Freephone 08088 00 00 14
  • The National Domestic Abuse & Forced Marriage Helpline Available 24/7 offering support and advice to women who are or have experienced domestic abuse. 0800 027 1234  
  • East Renfrewshire Women's Aid,The Foundry Barrhead 0141 404 0015
Last modified on 12 December 2022