Andrea, Angus and Calum's Story

When growing a family is important

Andrea and Angus Woodward wanted to extend their family, and for them fostering was the perfect way to go.

"We've been foster carers for eight years and everyday brings a new joy. We wanted Calum to have a sibling but didn't want to adopt," says Andrea.

"Being carers is the perfect way to extend our family and help young people who really need it.

"We've been lucky that most of our placements have been long term so they become a genuine part of the family.

"We get such satisfaction from seeing them become part of our family, and it's the small stuff most people take for granted that makes a difference.

"Having dinner together, a walk in the park, or a trip to the shops - these are the things that make young people feel like they belong.

"The best feeling is knowing you've made them feel safe and secure and prepared them for the next stage of their life.

"The most important thing for us is that our young people know we'll always be there for them."

Last modified on 20 June 2023