Ann Marie's Story

From short breaks to full-time

Ann Marie foster carer

Ann Marie McDaid soon realised she had a lot more to give the young people she and her family were helping. She loved fostering so much she dedicated herself to the role.

"I've been fostering for 23 years and even now I still get excited when the phone rings, knowing I get to do my bit to help young people," says Ann Marie.

"I started by offering short-term care to children and very quickly knew I wanted to do more, so I soon became a full-time foster carer.

"We bought a bigger house and were able to take siblings. We have always had a full house and that's just the way I like it.

"The young people we've cared for have all been treated as part of our family.

"Even now, many of them are still a huge part of our family. In fact one of the bridesmaids and two of the ushers at my son's wedding were young people who had lived with us and are now just an extension of our family.

"Although my husband works full-time, he plays an important role in caring - we're a team. I'm the nurturer but he's always the one they go to for practical help and advice.

"The best thing for both of us is seeing our young people making their own lives, getting jobs, passing driving tests and even buying their own homes.

"We are so proud of each and every one of them."

Last modified on 20 June 2023