
Find out what to do in an emergency.

An emergency can be defined as an event or situation which threatens to impact human welfare or the environment. Emergency events that could happen include severe weather, a pandemic, terrorism or a nuclear leak, for example.

When an emergency occurs, the emergency services are the first to deal with the situation. Local authorities assist the emergency services in certain situations.

We've an Emergency Planning team who create and implement plans to prevent and respond to emergencies. Emergency planning aims to prevent emergencies from occurring, and if the emergencies do occur, implement plans to reduce and control the threats.

Within your area, the emergency planning service is called the Civil Contingencies Service. This is a joint service which covers Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire and Inverclyde councils.

Find out about the Civil Contingencies Service and how to prepare for an emergency.

A very small part of East Renfrewshire falls within the 30km Outline Emergency Planning Zone for Hunterston B Nuclear Power Station.

In the unlikely event of a radiation emergency the response will be coordinated by the emergency services, North Ayrshire Council and other responders supported by EDF Energy.

Detailed advice and information will be put out through local TV, radio, social media and updates placed on websites of individual organisations which will be coordinated by Police Scotland.

To find out more information about emergency planning for Hunterston B Nuclear Power Station visit the North Ayrshire Council website (opens new window).

Roads and gritting

We look after the vast majority of local roads but the M77 from Malletsheugh towards Kilmarnock and the Glasgow Southern Orbital route A726 are looked after by the private contractors Scotland Transerve and Connect.

In winter we treat 313km of roads, which is around 65% of our network and is proportionally more than most councils treat.

The winter service aims to provide the best possible assistance but cannot guarantee that all roads will be free of snow and ice.

If there's heavy snow or long spells of icy weather, we'll complete the priority routes and, only if we are able to, will we work through the ones that are left.

We only divert our treatment priorities if we receive an instruction from Police Scotland.

Roads in East Renfrewshire are treated by priority:

  • Main roads
  • Main bus routes
  • 1 main access to schools
  • 1 main access to fire stations.

School closures

Schools will remain open unless notified on our social media channels and website.

Ready Scotland

The Scottish Government have just launched their 'Ready Scotland' campaign. This campaign helps to highlight a few small things that you can do now to prepare for severe weather conditions. These actions may save you a lot of trouble later.

Visit the Ready Scotland website (opens new window).

How do I prepare for flooding?

  • Find out whether your house/area is liable to flooding. Check with neighbours or at the local library, or visit the Scottish Environment Protection Agency website and enter your postcode to see a map showing the flood risk to your area
  • Check with your insurance company that you have adequate cover. They'll also provide you with advice on reducing flood damage
  • Keep a list of useful numbers (local council, emergency services, insurance company and so on) somewhere you'll find them easily
  • Find out where and how to turn off your gas and electricity now. Don't leave it until it's too late. If you're having difficulty ask the person who checks your meter next time they call or ask your neighbours. Mark the tap or switch with a sticker to remind you
  • Have emergency provisions ready and put them upstairs if you can
  • Check and keep outside drains clear to let surface water escape and if possible, direct water flow away from property
  • Don't assume everybody in the house knows what to do. Write a family flood plan and practice it

Flood warnings

Check with the Floodline Service on 08459 88 11 88 for localised information and advice.

If the risk of flooding increases:

  • watch what's happening. Keep an eye on the weather, and on what other people are doing
  • alert your neighbours, especially any vulnerable ones
  • move pets to a place of safety
  • take your thermos and food upstairs if you can
  • check on your neighbours

Ensure gas, electricity and water supplies are switched off.

Family flood plan

Write your plan so that the following questions are all answered in it:

  • Do you all understand the Flood Warning system for your area?
  • Do you all know how to find out more?
  • Do you all know how to contact each other?
  • Do you all know where the 'Flood Box' is?
  • Do you all know how to turn off the gas and electricity?
  • Do you all know who in the neighbourhood may need your help?
  • Do you all know where you would be evacuated to? And
  • Do your neighbours know your plan?

Make sure the plan outlines the actions you should take to safeguard yourselves and your property:

  • Practice the plan before you need to use it
  • Keep the plan safe, but easy to find by all of you

What do I do during a flooding incident?

  • Co-operate with emergency services and local authorities. You may be evacuated to a rest centre
  • Don't leave your home unless you have to
  • Keep alert. Things can change very quickly. Keep an eye on the weather and listen for more information on the radio. If you hear advice or instructions, do exactly what they tell you. Make sure your neighbours know what's going on
  • Don't walk on sea defences, riverbanks or cross river bridges if possible - they may collapse in extreme situations or you may be swept off by large waves. Beware of stones and pebbles being thrown up by waves
  • If you're trapped by flooding stay by a window and try to attract attention
  • If you're evacuated remember medication and essential supplies. You may be away for some time!
  • Don't switch on gas and/or electricity supplies until they have been inspected
  • Don't use food which has been in contact with flood water

What do I do after a flooding incident?

  • Safely throw away food which has been in contact with flood water - it could be contaminated. Contact your local authority Environmental Health department for advice
  • Open doors and windows to ventilate your home
  • Call your insurance company's (24 hour) emergency Helpline as soon as possible. They'll be able to provide information on dealing with your claim, and assist in getting things back to normal
  • Keep a record of the flood damage (especially photographs or video footage), make notes of all phone calls to insurers and what was said, and retain correspondence with insurers after the flood
  • Commission immediate emergency pumping/repair work, if necessary, to protect your property from further damage. Check with your insurance company beforehand that you can do this
  • Get advice where detailed, lengthy repairs are needed. Your insurer or loss adjuster can give advice on reputable contractors/tradesmen. Beware of bogus tradesmen and always check references
  • Check with your insurer if you have to move into alternative accommodation as the cost is normally covered under a household policy, and make sure your insurance company knows where to contact you if you've to move out of your home

Cleaning up

  • Find out where you can get help to clean up. In the first instance look under 'Flood Damage' in Yellow Pages for suppliers of cleaning materials or equipment to dry out your property. It takes a house brick about one month per inch to dry out
  • Don't attempt to dry out photos or papers - place them in a plastic bag, and if possible store them in the fridge
  • Restock your supplies

Insurance for homes at risk of flooding

Flood Re is a national scheme established to help provide better access to affordable home insurance for those living in areas of high flood risk across the UK.

Visit the Flood Re website (opens new window).

Last modified on 9 August 2024