Homeless appeals

You have 21 days to submit a written appeal against a decision you don't agree with.

What can I appeal against?

You have the right to appeal:

  • our decision about your homeless application
  • an offer of permanent accommodation

Appeal deadline

You must apply within 21 days from the date on your decision letter.

How to apply

You should apply in writing and tell us why you think our decision is wrong. Include any extra information or documents you have to support this.

Full details how to appeal will be on your decision letter.

You can also contact Citizens Advice Scotland and Shelter Scotland (See related links on the left had side of this page)

How we process your appeal

  • A senior staff member will look at your appeal within 5 working days of receiving your appeal. They'll be new to your application.
  • This timescale may be extended if we require further information from you. For example, we may ask you to come in for another interview.
  • You can bring someone with you to the interview. Let us know if you need an interpreter or support.
  • If your appeal is unsuccessful and you are residing in temporary accommodation provided by our service you'll need to make alternative accommodation arrangements. Your Housing Options Officer can offer you housing options advice at this stage if you require it.
  • If you don't leave the temporary accommodation we may take action to evict you. Any court cost incurred during this process will be re-charged to you.


Last modified on 19 March 2024