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Parental Involvement and Engagement Census

Find out about the parental involvement and engagement census and how parents can share their thoughts on current and future plans within their school.

East Renfrewshire Council and its educational establishments undertake regular periodic surveys of parents and carers.  Such surveys support school and local authority improvement planning and provide an opportunity for parents to share their thoughts on current and future involvement and engagement with schools.

Similar practice is undertaken by all local authorities in Scotland and educational establishments under their control.  In order to rationalise this approach to surveying parents/carers and in order to allow comparable consistent data to be collected nationally, which will assist in evaluating the impact of interventions and programmes and support future policy development, every parent/carer of a school pupil in Scotland is being invited to take part in the national Parental Involvement and Engagement Census.

Only one parent/carer per child will receive an email which will include a link to the survey and it is only necessary to complete the survey once per family, per school.  The survey should take no longer than ten minutes to complete. The survey will open on Monday 31st January and close on Monday 28 February 2022.

The data gathered will be used for statistical and research purposes and will provide East Renfrewshire Council and its schools with information to help:

  • plan, monitor and deliver better policies for the benefit of all
  • identify and share best practice,
  • better understand some of the factors which influence parental involvement and engagement with our schools,
  • further enhance positive relationships with parents to secure positive outcomes for our children.

The information collected will also be securely shared with the Scottish Government to assist in evaluating the impact of national interventions and programmes and to support future policy development at a national level.  

Further information on the collection and how the Education Department and Scottish Government will process the data collected is provided in the Council's privacy statement and Scottish Government website:

Should you have any further questions, please contact the Education Department:

Education Department
Council Headquarters
Eastwood Park
East Renfrewshire
G46 6UG
0141 577 3229

Last modified on 21 January 2022