Strategic Housing Investment Plan

Information about the Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2023 to 2028.

We're required to supplement their Local Housing Strategy (LHS) with a 5 year Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP).

The SHIP sets out our current planned investment of £34.7m in around 450 new affordable homes. This includes homes to rent from the council and housing associations.

New estates will see a mix of these homes. These will be in areas with the greatest shortage.

The investment for this work will come from the Scottish Government, the council and housing associations.

We'll also work with developers to create affordable homes. These include low cost home ownership or homes to rent below market levels.

The plan

  • Has been developed with key partners, including housing associations and our planning service
  • Reflects housing investment priorities for the local area, based on what types of homes are needed and where, to meet housing need and demand
  • Gives detail about the projects propsoed to be funded from 2023 to 2028 to help us tackle the priorities set out in our Local Housing Strategy.
Last modified on 1 November 2022