Short term lets - Additional licence conditions

Information on additional licence conditions for short term lets.

East Renfrewshire Council will be adding these additional conditions to all STL licences for the first application, this will be kept under review for renewal.:

Provision of Hot Tubs or Spa Pools

1. The licence holder must declare if they provide the use of a hot tub/spa pool (or similar) for guests and assess the provision for legionella.

2. The licence holder must take reasonable steps to:

  • provide a separate legionella risk assessment is carried out for this facility and provide

  • evidence to East Renfrewshire Council as part of their application.

  • follow the guidance laid out in HSG 282 - The control of legionella and other infectious agents

  • in spa-pool systems:

  • carry out relevant and routine testing and monitoring as set out by HSE guidance

  • ensure that provision is included within EICR reports

  • the provision of information on safe use / risks are provided to guests

Material Changes

The licence holder shall notify the Council immediately of any material change of circumstances affecting the licensed premises or the licence holder (or any agent appointed by them to manage part or all of the licensed activity), including details of any criminal convictions incurred by such persons since the granting or renewal of the licence

Reporting of Certain Incidents

The licence holder shall notify the Council, as soon as is reasonably practicable, of the details of any incident affecting, or within, the licensed premises which (a) has resulted in structural damage to, or structural collapse within, the premises, or (b) which has involved a gas leak, fire, or explosion necessitating the call-out of the Emergency Services.

Anti-Social Behaviour

The licence holder must take reasonable steps to manage the premises in such a way as to seek to prevent and deal effectively with any antisocial behaviour by guests to anyone else in the short-term let and in the locality of the short-term let.

The licence holder must take reasonable steps to:

i. ensure that no disturbance or nuisance arises within or from the premises, for example by explaining the house rules to the guests;

ii. deal effectively with any disturbance or nuisance arising within or from the premises, as soon as reasonably practicable after the licence holder is made aware of it; and

iii. ensure any vehicles belonging to guests are parked lawfully, for example explaining where any designated parking spaces are to be found and highlighting any local rules.

iv. The licence holder shall notify the Council, as soon as is reasonably practicable, of the details of any incident of anti-social behaviour affecting or emanating from the premises which has necessitated police involvement.

Privacy and Security

The licence holder must manage the premises in such a way as to respect and protect the privacy and security of neighbours.

The licence holder must ensure:

i. guests know and understand any particular rules applying to shared areas and entrances;

ii. guests understand that shared doors should be properly and securely closed after use; and

iii. the provision of access codes or keys to guests cannot be used by guests to gain access to shared areas after they have finally departed.


  • The licence holder must ensure that the bedrooms, living room and hallway in the premises have a suitable floor covering in order to minimise impact and airborne noise affecting any properties below. (i.e. carpet or vinyl floor covering with quality underlay)

(Condition may be applied following investigation of concerns regarding noise and would be applied to properties located at 1st floor and/or above where a residential property is located below.)

  • The licence holder must take reasonable steps to ensure that guests do not first arrive or finally depart from the property between the hours of 11pm to 7am. The licence holder must advise guests of this as part of their booking terms and conditions. (Note: "reasonable steps" allows for exceptions, such as significantly delayed transport.)

(Condition would only be applied to those properties located at 1st floor and/or above where a residential property is located below, in close proximity to a neighbouring property or whether there is a shared entrance/communal areas.)

  • The licence holder must take reasonable steps to ensure that guests do not use the hot tub after 10pm

(Condition may be applied following investigation of concerns regarding noise associated with hot tubs and where a hot tub is positioned in close proximity or overlooked by neighbouring property.)

  • The licence holder must take reasonable step to ensure that guests do not play amplified music within the garden or external areas after [23:00 hours] where it would impact neighbouring residents.

(Condition may be applied following investigation of concerns regarding noise associated with playing music in outdoor areas.)

Littering & Waste Disposal

The licence holder shall ensure that adequate facilities, to the satisfaction of the Council, are provided for the storage, recycling and disposal of all waste and shall ensure that all common areas of the premises and all common external areas within the curtilage of the premises are kept in a clean, tidy, and well-maintained condition to the satisfaction of the Council.

The licence holder shall be responsible for advising residents of the refuse collection day and for making arrangements for the presentation of wheeled bins for collection at the appropriate time and day.

The licence holder should:

i. clearly label bins as belonging to the premises

ii. ensure guests are made aware of how to correctly use the bins provided for the premises

iii. provide bins/sacks

iv. ensure that guests manage their waste properly, including when they depart

v. ensure guests are made aware as to what items should not be disposed of by flushing down the toilet

Preventing damage to property

The licence holder must not affix a key box, or other device to facilitate guest entry to the property, to any public or jointly owned private infrastructure without prior written permission of the relevant authority or owner(s). The licence holder must be able to produce the permission to the licensing authority on request

Prohibition of LPG room-heaters and storage of inflammable liquids etc.

The licence holder shall not permit the use or storage on the premises of LPG room-heaters or, unless in an external store designed and approved for such storage, the storage of any liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or any highly inflammable liquid, gas, or substance. This condition shall not apply to small amounts of liquids or gas sold in small non-refillable retail packs (e.g. lighter fuel or cosmetic appliance cartridges) kept by guests for their own use. Nor

shall it apply to the external storage of LPG in cylinders or tanks which are provided by the licence holder for the provision of gas for cooking or for water or space heating or other domestic use, provided the storage complies fully with LPGA Codes of Practice and Building Regulation Technical Standards and that any installation connected to such cylinders or tanks complies with The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 or any amendment thereto.

Requirement to produce on demand any policy, certificate etc.

The licence holder shall require to produce on demand to any authorised person any policy, certificate, document, record, certificate of inspection or safety, licence or plan required by or issued in terms pursuant to any condition of this licence.

Last modified on 14 November 2022