Workplace Safety

Find out about Health and Safety in the workplace

Service Information

The Local Authority is responsible for enforcement of the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 under Section 18.

Allocation of premises are shared between the Local Authority and the Health and Safety Executive. Read about the Health and Safety (Enforcing Authority) Regulations.

Our objective is to ensure that businesses comply with their legal and moral obligations to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees and the safety of contractors and the public where work activities may pose a risk to their health safety.

Environmental Health Officers have powers to inspect any premises that it is the enforcing authority for. If Health and Safety breaches are identified the officer can serve either an Improvement or Prohibition Notice. In some cases due to the degree of the breaches the company or director may be reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

Useful links

Make an enquiry

To discuss your Health and Safety concerns, submit the online enquiry form below.

What happens next?

We will aim to contact you by email/phone within 5 working days of receiving your enquiry.


Last modified on 1 April 2022