How we allocate council houses

When you apply for housing, we'll assess your circumstances and place you into one of 5 groups.

Priority pass groups

Priority passDescription
  • Unintentionally homeless or threatened with homelessness
  • Moving from ERC young person's supported housing
  • Special cases not covered by the allocation policy
  • Intentionally homeless or threatened with homelessness
  • Living in East Renfrewshire or with a local connection and:
    • living in unsatisfactory housing or cannot meet housing needs
    • a social housing tenant with 2 or more bedrooms than you need
    • existing home unsuitable and delaying discharge from hospital
    • overcrowded - 2 or more bedrooms less than you need
    • has a medical need for more suitable housing
    • living in one of our adapted homes and no longer need adaptations
    • leaving the Armed Forces
  • Need to move to give or get support
  • Live in East Renfrewshire or with local connection and:
    • sharing facilities and don't have own bed space
    • overcrowded - 1 bedroom less than you need
    • a social housing tenant with one more bedroom than you need
    • experiencing harassment in current home but safe to stay for a time
  • 2 ERC tenants combining to make 1 household


  • Live in East Renfrewshire or with local connection and:
    • sharing facilities and have own bed space
    • has a current home unsuitable for children who sometimes stay overnight but live somewhere else
    • lives in a private rented house
  • Don't live in East Renfrewshire but want to move here because you:
    • work here
    • have been offered a job here
    • are looking for work here and have proof
    • want to be near a relative or carer
    • have a social or medical need to live in the area


  • No circumstances in A to D apply. Order of priority:
    • Lives in East Renfrewshire or with a local connection to area and no housing need
    • No local connection and has a medical need for more suitable housing
    • No local connection and no medical need for more suitable housing


Information on lets, bids and stock for housing applicants

This guide is provided to help see what, where and how empty council homes are let in East Renfrewshire. It helps show what properties may come up for let, how often, how much demand there may be for them, and who the properties may be let to. It can also help applicants decide what to be noted for and what to bid for.

Read the latest information guide (PDF, 802 KB).

Last modified on 15 May 2024