Animal sales and pet shop licence

Apply for a licence to sell animals.

What is an animal sales and pet shop licence?

Any person or organisation selling animals as pets (or with the expectation of their being later resold as pets) in the course of a business including keeping animals in the course of a business with a view to their being so sold or resold.

The business of selling animals as pets does not apply to persons operating an animal welfare establishment (an animal sanctuary or rehoming centre), engaging in other animal rehoming activities or licensed as a dog, cat or rabbit breeder (the breeding licence they hold allows for the direct supply of animals as pets).

Read the Scottish Government animal welfare: guidance for pet sellers


£176.87 + vet fees (if required)

We may also arrange for a vet inspection to be carried out. If necessary, you'll be charged for the costs incurred in addition to the application fee. 

How to apply 

email Environmental Health for an application form.

What happens next?

Once we have received and processed your application we will contact you.

To make a payment contact customer services.
Phone: 0141 577 3001


Last modified on 1 April 2023