For the latest updates on how services have been impacted by Storm Eowyn, go to our dedicated Storm Eowyn page.

Change of circumstance

Tell us as soon as possible about a change of circumstances that might affect your benefits.

What changes do I need to report?

You must tell us if:

  • your income goes up or down for you or anyone you live with
  • you or your partner's savings or capital changes or if it goes above £15,999
  • someone moves in or out of your home
  • your rent changes
  • you or anyone you live with has started or stopped getting Income Support, Employment Support Allowance, Jobseeker's Allowance or Pension Credits
  • if you change your address
  • if you or your partner go into hospital or are taken into custody
  • if you or your partner are temporarily absent from home for more than 13 weeks within Great Britain
  • if you or your partner or anyone else in your household are temporarily absent from home for more than 4 weeks outside Great Britain

Submit a change of circumstance

We recommend you read our privacy notice before you submit a change of circumstance application.

Select Benefits Online when you log in to your MyEastRen Account using the link below. You'll need to attach evidence if you're reporting a change in your income.  Please have this ready to upload with your application.

Apply online

What happens next?

You must also tell the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) about changes that might affect your benefits.

Contact DWP (opens new window).

Last modified on 22 October 2024