Benefits Online

Benefits Online allows you to apply for clothing grants and free school meals. You can also view your Housing benefit and Council Tax reduction claim online

What is Benefits Online? 

Benefits Online offers you access to our most popular Benefit services.  Once you sign up you'll be able to:

  • sign up to online letters to view your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction claim letters online
  • view your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction claim online
  • apply for clothing grant and free school meals
  • submit evidence for clothing grant and free school meals
  • tell us about a change of bank details for clothing grant and free school meals 

How do I sign up for Benefits Online? 

To sign up for Benefits Online you'll need a 'My Account', a service which enables you to access public services online using one username and password.  Find out more about MyAccount. If you don't have a 'My Account' you'll need to create one.  Once you have set up a 'My Account', sign in to MyEastRen and select view Benefits Online.   

Sign up for benefits online

Where can I find my benefit claim reference number? 

To sign up for Benefits Online you need your benefit claim reference number which can be found on your most recent benefits award letter.  If you don't have it email confirming your name, full address, date of birth and national insurance number. 

Last modified on 3 April 2024