Apply for temporary restrictions on a road

Find out how to apply for temporary restrictions on a road.

Service information

Use this service to apply for temporary restrictions on a road.

Before you start

Applications must include a location plan detailing the restrictions requested and where applicable a plan showing proposed diversion signing details.

If you're requesting a road closure please state if emergency service access will be maintained in the 'Restriction Requested' section of the online form.

Restrictions up to a maximum of 5 days require a Temporary Restriction Notice (TRN) and completed application forms must be received no less than 4 weeks prior to the proposed commencement of the restrictions.

Restrictions for durations of more than 5 days or those associated with an event being held on or near a public road, require a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) and completed application forms must be received no less than 12 weeks prior to the proposed commencement of the restrictions. This is to allow for assessment of the application and the 8 weeks processing time for the order

How to apply

Submit the online form below, ensuring you complete all relevant sections including the name of the road the restriction applies to, the reason for the restriction and the proposed start and end date.

Apply online

How much does it cost?

The council's approved 2024/25 charge for raising a TRN is £626.55.

In an urgent situation when it is not possible to give 4 weeks advance notice the charge for raising a fast-tracked TRN is increased to £857.90.

The council's approved 2024/25 charge for promoting a TTRO is £1,279.45 plus the cost incurred in publishing a statutory Public Notice.

In an urgent situation when it is not possible to give 8 weeks advance notice, the charge for promoting a fast-tracked TTRO is increased to £1,520.10 plus the cost incurred in publishing a statutory Public Notice.

All TTROs must be published in a local newspaper in the area affected by the restriction. The estimated cost per notice is £500 but this can vary depending on the publication.

Amendments to authorised TRN or TTRO

The council's approved 2024/25 charge if a TRN/TTRO has to be amended after the application has been processed is £165.90.

What happens next?

Once your application is approved, we'll be in touch to arrange payment.

If your application is refused you will be contacted and informed of the reason why.

Last modified on 1 April 2024