For the latest updates on how services have been impacted by Storm Eowyn, go to our dedicated Storm Eowyn page.

Roads in East Renfrewshire

Find out the roads, footways, footpaths and verges maintained by us.

Roads in East Renfrewshire

View a list of roads in East Renfrewshire (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window).

Find out what roads we're responsible for

View our map to find out what roads in East Renfrewshire we're responsible for (opens new window).

For the most up to date and accurate results this map should be used in conjunction with the list above. 

Confirmation of adopted status

If you need written confirmation of adopted status, the request will be treated as a property enquiry and you will be charged a fee, which covers the response and one scale 1250 plan.

If you wish to identify ownership of an un-adopted road you can do so through the land registry.

Visit the Registers of Scotland website to search the land registry (opens new window)

Last modified on 19 July 2024