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Ash Dieback

Find out about Ash Dieback and what we are doing about it in East Renfrewshire

What is Ash Dieback?

Ash dieback (also known as Chalara), is a disease affecting ash trees, especially European or Common ash, the UK's native ash species. There's no cure for the disease and it is fatal in the majority of cases. Ash trees can decline rapidly once infected and become brittle and weak at the roots.

Diseased trees must be identified and removed when they become a danger to the public, especially where they're in close proximity to roads, footpaths, buildings, carparks or play areas.

If you have an ash tree on your property or land it is your responsibility to ensure it does not become a risk to other people or property which could include monitoring, pruning and, where necessary, felling.

What we are doing?

We've commissioned a survey carried out by Ayrshire Tree surgeons to check ash trees along every public road within East Renfrewshire Council. Trees are identified that could affect the safe passage of users of the public road.

If the trees identified are on private land or property letters will be issued to those land owners/properties.

Where infected trees on public land are considered to pose a risk to persons or property corrective works and felling will be carried out.

What to do if you own an ash tree?

If you've received a letter, it is because a tree on your property has been identified as an infected ash tree which requires attention.

The letter will contain a class and a critical risk factor rating for your specific tree.  Read the Scottish Forestry guide for the management of individual ash trees.

Read more about the classes in more detail.

If you've not received a letter and have an ash tree on your property, we'd advise you contact an arborist to inspect your tree for any signs of ash dieback and proceed from there. Find an arborist on the The Arboricultural Association website.

Please be aware that there are some trees within East Renfrewshire that are protected by a Tree Protection Order. Find out more information and whether this applies to a tree on your property

Last modified on 20 January 2023