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Major repair

Find out about major repair or structural alteration exemption and who can apply.

Who can apply?  

If your property is or has been undergoing major repairs or structural alteration you may not need to pay the Council Tax for up to a year.  The following criteria must be met for the exemption to apply:

  • no more than 12 months have passed since the last time the property was occupied
  • no more than 6 months have passed since major repair work was completed on the property

What evidence do I need to submit?

You'll need to submit all the evidence listed below with your application:  

  • copy of Council Tax bill or other bills to confirm residency at alternative address while work is carried out
  • copy of building warrant or planning permission certificate
  • letter from contractor on company headed paper confirming nature of work undertaken, date work started and was completed or due to complete
  • copy of completion certificate

You must submit your completion certificate at the end of the work.

How do I apply?  

To apply complete a major repair/structural alteration exemption application (PDF, 238 KB)

When you've completed your application, you can submit it online together with all your evidence.  It's important you have this ready. 

At the bottom of the Council Tax online screen, select 'Submit evidence to support my application'   

Submit online

You should continue to pay your council tax until your application has been processed.

What happens next?   

If you submit your major repair/structural alteration exemption application online with the correct evidence, we'll process your application as follows:  

  • Stage 1 - Submit online  
  • Stage 2 - Application processed 
  • Stage 3 - Email confirmation - application approved 
  • Stage 4 - Exemption applied to your Council Tax account 


Last modified on 12 August 2024